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Vertzie Vertzie
Posts: 354
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Explain Erikson's belief that personality development is based on the epigenetic principle.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

For the following item, which suggestion for constructing questionnaires is violated? Do you believe that NAFFA will have a deleterious effect on business in Indiana?
  a. Phrase items so as to avoid bias or prejudice that might predetermine a respondent's answer.
  b. Phrase items so that every respondent can understand them.
  c. Phrase items so as to elicit unambiguous answers.
  d. Avoid questions that might elicit reactions of suspicion, embarrassment, or hostility in the respondent.

Ques. 3

State three reasons that Erik Erikson's psychosocial theory has educational utility.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

For the following item, which suggestion for constructing questionnaires is violated? Do you attend university sporting events? Not much ____ Sometimes ____ Usually ____ All the time ____
  a. Phrase items so as to avoid bias or prejudice that might predetermine a respondent's answer.
  b. Phrase items so that every respondent can understand them.
  c. Phrase items so as to elicit unambiguous answers.
  d. Avoid questions that might elicit reactions of suspicion, embarrassment, or hostility in the respondent.

Ques. 5

If you were to give a set of moral dilemmas to a sample of males and females, which of the following is most likely to describe the results?
  a. Females will invoke a justice/fairness/individual rights orientation 75 of the time, and males will invoke a caring/helping/cooperation orientation 75 of the time.
  b. Males will invoke a justice/fairness/individual rights orientation 75 of the time, and females will invoke a caring/helping/cooperation orientation 75 of the time.
  c. Females will invoke a caring/helping/cooperation orientation 55 of the time, and males will invoke a justice/fairness/individual rights orientation 55 of the time.
  d. Males and females will invoke a justice/fairness/individual rights orientation 50 of the time and a caring/helping/cooperation orientation 50 of the time.

Ques. 6

For the following item, which suggestion for constructing questionnaires is violated? Considering the horrendous cuts occurring in faculty and staff benefits, do you favor giving benefits to domestic partners?
  a. Phrase items so as to avoid bias or prejudice that might predetermine a respondent's answer.
  b. Phrase items so that every respondent can understand them.
  c. Phrase items so as to elicit unambiguous answers.
  d. Avoid questions that might elicit reactions of suspicion, embarrassment, or hostility in the respondent.

Ques. 7

A student who is at the stage of conventional morality (as described by Kohlberg) makes moral decisions on the basis of
  a. staying out of trouble.
  b. concern about what others might think. c. avoiding punishment to receive benefits. d. self-chosen moral principles.

Ques. 8

The total population of teachers in a school system consists of 25 percent elementary, 30 percent middle school, and 45 percent secondary. A researcher selects a random sample of 60 teachers, made up of 15 elementary, 18 middle school, and 27 high school teachers. This is an example of
  a. simple random sampling. c. cluster sampling.
  b. stratified sampling. d. quota sampling.

Ques. 9

Ephraim, a student at Central State University, where parking spaces for students are few and far between, refuses to attempt to park in the spaces designated for students. Further, he will not buy a student parking sticker for his car. Though he receives numerous tickets, he continues to blatantly ignore all parking rules and regulations. Which of the following answers would describe postconventional justification for his behavior?
  a. He parks where he wants because his mom told him to do so.
  b. It is wrong for the university to make students pay for a service they can't guarantee.
  c. He is not aware of how his actions may harm the student body.
  d. Campus security is oblivious to the needs of the students and should not be part of the parking division.
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