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Jortega Jortega
Posts: 343
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6 years ago
At each data collection point in a trend survey, a researcher
  a. studies a different sample from the same general population.
  b. studies a different sample from the same specific population.
  c. studies the same sample of individuals.
  d. studies a subset of a population at a specific point in time.

Ques. 2

As an example of mastery of formal operations, a teacher might ask students to
  a. name all fifty states.
  b. write an adventure story in which they play the role of the main character.
  c. calculate the area of a triangle.
  d. list the advantages and disadvantages of the use of plastic products.

Ques. 3

In which of the major content areas typically covered in questionnaires and interviews would you expect to obtain the most valid answers from respondents?
  a. Facts
  b. Attitudes
  c. Behavior
  d. There is no difference in the validity of answers for the content areas.

Ques. 4

A child who is concrete-operational is
  a. able to generalize from experiences to a broad range of situations.
  b. able to understand that hummingbirds and ducks are both birds.
  c. able to imagine what his friends would think of him if he could lift four hundred pounds.
  d. unable to feel sympathy for a classmate who has broken an arm.

Ques. 5

A sample survey of intangibles typically is used instead of a census of intangibles because
  a. collecting information from a population may be excessively expensive in terms of time and money.
  b. it is often impossible to collect information on all people in a population.
  c. a representative sample reflects the characteristics of the population within a well-defined margin of error.
  d. All of these are true.

Ques. 6

Which of the following behaviors is most likely to be observed in a room full of three-year-olds?
  a. A child who is busy playing with a toy yields it to another three-year-old when the second child demands it.
  b. A child who grabs a toy from a classmate seems genuinely unconcerned when the classmate bursts into tears.
  c. A child who has only one piece of candy gives it to a friend.
  d. A child who slaps another child is immediately sorry.

Ques. 7

A researcher cannot decide on the wording of some questionnaire items. The best way to determine the influence of the wording is to
  a. construct two parallel forms of the questionnaire and administer in a pilot study.
  b. use the questionnaire on nonequivalent samples of the population.
  c. flip a coin.
  d. ask a peer to provide feedback

Ques. 8

Taking into account what you have studied about Piaget's stages of cognitive development, why would a toy manufacturer be uninterested in hiring the typical first- or second-grade child as a consultant?
  a. Primary grade children are unable to express their likes and dislikes.
  b. Primary grade children like all toys equally well.
  c. Primary grade children do not reason logically.
  d. Primary grade children have little interest in how toys are designed.

Ques. 9

An advantage of closed-ended questions on a survey is that they
  a. enhance consistency of response across respondents.
  b. give the respondent an opportunity to elaborate.
  c. are easier to write than open-ended questions.
  d. enhance the breadth of response across respondents.

Ques. 10

According to Piaget, all but which of the following are characteristic of children in preschool and the primary grades (i.e., between the ages of two and seven)?
  a. They are unable to mentally translate volume from a tall thin container to a short fat container.
  b. There is a focus on the mastery of symbols, such as words.
  c. Logical thought begins to emerge at this stage.
  d. They begin to understand that words represent actions and ideas.

Ques. 11

A respondent fails to understand a question during a structured interview. The interviewer should
  a. reword the question. c. skip the question.
  b. explain the meaning of the question. d. slowly repeat the question.
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