Young bilingual children's vocabulary should be assessed: (all statements are true EXCEPT:)
a. in their two languages
b. by asking more than one reporter
c. using only monolingual norms as a reference point
d. taking into consideration the contexts in which different types of words are learned
Ques. 2Most English words are
a. iconic
b. analogous
c. symbolic
d. onomatopoeic
Ques. 3The first 50 words that an English speaking child learns generally
a. include more nouns than verbs
b. include words from only a small grammatical subset of the grammatical classes of adult speech
c. include a higher proportion of words whose referents are constant and immovable (e.g., table, wall)
d. include an equal number of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and function words
Ques. 4All of the following depend on metalinguistic skills EXCEPT
a. producing puns
b. naming as many kinds of animals as possible in a given period of time
c. playing rhyming games
d. understanding sarcasm
Ques. 5One reason that young children are able to learn the labels for objects in their environment is that
a. they understand that speakers often name the objects that the child is paying attention to
b. they learn that the object being named is often one that the speaker is paying attention to
c. they have an innate understanding of word-referent relationships
d. they pick up word-referent associations as their brains mature
Ques. 6For children acquiring language
a. there appears to be a verb bias, possibly because verbs are clearer and more concrete than nouns.
b. there is a noun bias, possibly because adult input includes so many nouns
c. nouns may be easier to acquire because their referents are more easily identifiable
d. both b. and c.
Ques. 7If you were to ask a preschooler what she would call a man who zibs for a living, which of these invented words would she be most likely to use?
a. a zibber
b. a zibberman
c. a zibman
d. a zib