When Sheena enters middle school and begins to show interest in sewing or cooking classes, this reflects the:
a. Androgynous theory
b. Gender straitjacking theory
c. Hypergender-role hypothesis
d. Gender intensification hypothesis
Ques. 2What are gender-role behaviors called that combine male and female characteristics?
a. Sex-typed
b. Undifferentiated
c. Androgynous
d. Hermaphroditic
Ques. 3How children develop an understanding of gender differences is called:
a. Gender intensification
b. Gender differentiation
c. Gender identity
d. Gender roles
Ques. 4A study that examined parents' gendered attitudes about activities showed that parents think:
a. Their sons and daughters are equally athletically talented
b. Their sons and daughters are equally musically talented
c. Athletics is more valuable to sons
d. Music is more valuable to sons
Ques. 5A study that examined parents' gendered attitudes about athletic activities showed that parents not only made it possible for their children to participate, but also influenced their children's:
a. Feelings of competency
b. Beliefs about the value of sports
c. Both a and b
d. None of the above
Ques. 6According to gender schema theory, a child first constructs gender _________that in turn influence(s) gender _____________.
a. Understanding; cognitions
b. Cognitions; understanding
c. Beliefs; interactions
d. Behavior; beliefs
Ques. 7Explain the difference between the ability to be bicultural and acculturation. What appear to be the developmental outcomes associated with each?
What will be an ideal response?
Ques. 8Compare and contrast racial identity formation and ethnic socialization. Describe the stages of racial identity and the components of ethnic identity formation. Give example of a family, school, or community program that could promote positive racial/ethnic identity.
What will be an ideal response?