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Sheko Sheko
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
Three of the following are common disadvantages of competition in the classroom. Which one is not necessarily a disadvantage of a competitive classroom?
  A) Competition focuses students' attention on performance goals.
  B) Competition may encourage some students to self-handicap.
  C) Competition fosters an incremental view of intelligence.
  D) Competition can lead students to attribute their performance to ability rather than effort.

Ques. 2

Mr. Maleska has what the textbook calls productive expectations for his students' classroom performance. With this in mind, which of the following would we not expect him to do?
  A) Believe that his teaching strategies make a difference in student achievement
  B) Look for strengths in all students
  C) Consider several explanations for students' low grades
  D) Give students more help than they really need to complete tasks successfully

Ques. 3

Three of the following strategies are consistent with the textbook's recommendations for forming expectations and attributions for students' performance. Which one is not consistent with the textbook's recommendations?
  A) Assume that every student has one or more areas of strength.
  B) Communicate the belief that learning more effective strategies might help students perform more successfully.
  C) Minimize assessing students' achievement, and limit any assessments to informal observations.
  D) Keep in mind that teachers do make a difference in students' lives.

Ques. 4

In which one of the following situations does a teacher's behavior reflect low expectations for a student's classroom performance?
  A) Mr. Oya gives Ren positive feedback when she performs well.
  B) Ms. Ingalls rarely interacts with Joseph.
  C) Mr. Montoya asks Mei-Yau thought-provoking questions in class.
  D) Ms. Littlefield assigns Owen a difficult math problem.

Ques. 5

Below are four instances of negative feedback. Other things being equal, which statement is most likely to promote high self-efficacy?
  A) Yours is the lowest quiz score in the entire class, Bill. I want you to see if you can do better than at least half of your classmates next time.
  B) The German Club should be embarrassed about the mess it left in the cafeteria after school yesterday. Do you want the rest of the school to think that German Club members are slobs?
  C) I know you have the ability to write a better essay than this, Janet. Let me give you some suggestions about what you might do differently next time.
  D) I'm not pleased with the projects that you students turned in yesterday. You should be ashamed of yourselves for not taking the assignment more seriously.

Ques. 6

When George attends the first day of an Advanced Placement class in biology, he thinks to himself, This is going to be a really hard class. I don't know if I have what it takes to understand and remember all this stuff. George's misgivings can best be described as:
  A) An external attribution.
  B) An illusion of knowing.
  C) Low self-efficacy for learning.
  D) Low collective self-efficacy.

Ques. 7

Mr. Limpitlaw wants to increase his female students' self-efficacy for mastering simple car maintenance procedures. He can best do this by:
  A) Presenting a film that shows an experienced auto mechanic at work.
  B) Describing how easily he learned these things when he was their age.
  C) Having the students read a book with clear, step-by-step instructions for changing the oil and the air filter.
  D) Having the students watch other girls successfully change the oil and the air filter.

Ques. 8

Three of the following experiences should promote higher self-efficacy about the task in question. Which one probably won't?
  A) Andrea discovers that she does well on her weekly spelling tests only when she wears her lucky necklace.
  B) On the first day of geometry, Bob's teacher tells the class, The things in your textbook may look difficult to you now, but with a little effort and practice you'll have the basics down pat by December.
  C) Carmella does better in her Spanish class than she expected to.
  D) Dick's friend tells him, You shouldn't have any problem in American Literature. I'm no smarter than you are, and I got an A.

Ques. 9

The textbook recommends that teachers encourage students to set and work toward proximal goals. Which one of the following illustrates a proximal goal?
  A) Learning the symbols for all the elements in a chemistry class
  B) Maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout the high school years
  C) Becoming a reporter for a major news channel such as CNN
  D) Shooting for admission to a local community college rather than to a prestigious and highly selective private college
Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Essentials of Educational Psychology: Big Ideas To Guide Effective Teaching

Edition: 5th
Read 54 times
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6 years ago
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Sheko Author
6 years ago
Exactly what I needed for my quiz Smiling Face with Open Mouth
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