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bklynbeauty86 bklynbeauty86
Posts: 487
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6 years ago
All of the following are reasons administrative agencies seek support from the governor except
  a. the governor can influence the legislature on appropriations bills.
  b. the public considers support from the governor as a measure of agency prestige.
  c. the governor can item veto agency appropriations.
  d. the governor makes appointments to the agency's board.
  e. support from the governor improved the bargaining position of the agency within the bureaucracy.

 Q. 2

When the legislature checks up on an agency to make sure it is implementing policy according to legislative intent, it is known as
  a. casework.
  b. policy policing.
  c. executive supervision.
  d. ex post oversight.

 Q. 3

According to the text, administrative agencies are chiefly dependent on __________ for support.
  a. interest groups
  b. voters
  c. the media
  d. powerful legislators
  e. other ally agencies

 Q. 4

To prevent executive agencies from straying too far from legislative intent, a legislature can
  a. embed lawmakers in executive agencies to watch over them.
  b. create ex post undersight committees.
  c. specifically direct leaders of executive agencies every time a decision is to be made.
  d. pass specific and detailed legislation.

 Q. 5

The groups most concerned with the laws and policies being administered by a government agency are
  a. boards and commissions.
  b. elected officials.
  c. the general public.
  d. appointed agency officials.
  e. clientele interest groups.

 Q. 6

A quorum is
  a. the minimum number of legislative members needed to conduct official business.
  b. the overruling of a governor's veto by a legislature.
  c. the minimum number of legislative members needed to stop a filibuster.
  d. a partisan advantage when gerrymandering legislative districts.

 Q. 7

The chief way Texas has tried to insulate the state bureaucracy from politics has been the
  a. appointment system.
  b. board and commission System.
  c. merit System.
  d. election System.
  e. spoils System.

 Q. 8

Which committee is convened in order to craft a bill that can pass both chambers?
  a. Joint
  b. Standing
  c. Select
  d. Conference
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