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antionett15 antionett15
Posts: 523
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6 years ago
How did Madison try to maintain balance between limited and effective government?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 2

What is universal suffrage? Why must participation in the electoral process be unforced?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 3

Briefly explain how the balance between limited and effective governance is affected by the frequency of elections.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 4

Write a note on the importance of having a free press in a democracy.
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 5

In which electoral system is a voter expected to cast two votes even when there is a clear majority?
  A. selectoral rules
  B. mixed electoral rules
  C. plurality rule
  D. majority rule
  E. proportional representation rule

 Q. 6

Write a short note on accountability? Why is accountability an important principle for democracy?
  What will be an ideal response?

 Q. 7

Which of the following statements is true?
  A. The plurality and majority rules allow smaller parties the greatest chances of winning a seat.
  B. The elections based on the plurality and majority rules tend to concentrate political power.
  C. The elections based on the plurality and majority roles allocate political power in the most proportionate manner.
  D. The mixed electoral rules eliminate any elements of the plurality and majority rule as they seek to concentrate, rather than disperse power.
  E. The proportional representation rule requires citizens to cast two votes in the election.

 Q. 8

Which electoral system is least discriminating toward smaller parties?
  A. mixed electoral rule
  B. selectoral rule
  C. plurality rule
  D. majority rule
  E. proportional representation rule
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6 years ago
Ans. to #1

To find a balance between limited and effective government, Madison famously advocated establishing political institutions that check and balance politicians' ambitions against each other, so that no one person or group could concentrate enough power to overwhelm individual freedoms. This idea is fundamental to the U.S. Constitution, and as a result, political institutions in the United States tend to fragment, decentralize, and consequently weaken the central government's power.

Ans. to #2

Universal suffrage means that everyone must have the right to participate in the process that selects and removes government leaders. A government cannot require citizens to participate in politics in particular ways against their will, such as voting for or against particular parties or candidates. A country is a democracy only if all adults are treated as equals; no one can have more political rights than others, no one can be legally excluded from participating in politics, and everyone must have equal ability to freely express their political preferences.

Ans. to #3

The length of a politician's term in office must strike a balance between limited and effective government. On the one hand, a lengthy term is an invitation for abuse of power and for a politician to ignore the public. On the other hand, we want politicians to have enough time to formulate and implement policies that are useful. It is difficult to know where to strike this balance; common sense suggests that holding elections every few years qualifies a country as democratic.

Ans. to #4

To form their own political opinions, citizens must be able to access competing viewpoints and different sources of information. Freedom of the press, thus, requires that mass mediaTV, newspapers, radio, the Internet, etc.be available in some form that is free from state control. Further, such media must be able to present information independently of what the government of the day might prefer. When political rules of the game protect individual and group rights, elections take on more meaning.

Ans. to #5


Ans. to #6

Accountability is a political mechanism that offers citizens regular and realistic opportunities to remove the rulers from office, through peaceful, legal means. Accountability includes voting incumbent politicians out of office, and it also can include impeaching elected officials or firing bureaucrats who violate the law or who do not perform their jobs well.

Ans. to #7


Ans. to #8

antionett15 Author
6 years ago
These are correct! Thank you very much!!!
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