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khawke1985 khawke1985
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12 years ago
Question 1 of 60   1.667 Points
Taylor is a forensic pathologist who examined tissue samples that included some stratified cuboidal epithelium. From where might it have come?


   A. Fat.   

   B. Lung.   

   C. Bladder.   

   D. Sweat gland.   

   E. Brain.   
Question 2 of 60   1.667 Points
Sophia’s physician told her that heavy smoking impaired the surface of her airway, including ciliated cells. What is the implication to Sophia’s airway of the lack of cilia?


   A. Failure of sensation.   

   B. Failure of secretion of cell products.   

   C. Failure of excretion of waste products from cell contents.   

   D. Failure of removal of foreign particles.   

   E. Failure of absorption of gases.   
Question 3 of 60   1.667 Points
Cynthia has bacterial pneumonia. What type of cell may produce antibodies against the bacteria?


   A. Chondrocyte.   

   B. Lymphocyte.   

   C. Macrophage    

   D. Mast cell.   

   E. Ciliated epithelial cell.   
Question 4 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following would be regarded as a macronutrient?


   A. Essential amino acid.   

   B. Phosphorus.   

   C. Vitamin C.   

   D. Water.   

   E. Calcium.   
Question 5 of 60   1.667 Points
Lanelle is working at an aquarium where she is helping to shift a huge ocean fish from one tank to another. She is told to support the fish well, much as it is supported in water, otherwise gravity could tear the structures that support the intestines. What is the name of such a structure?


   A. Serosa.   

   B. Sphincter.   

   C. Epiglottis.   

   D. Mesentery.   

   E. Chyme.   
Question 6 of 60   1.667 Points
Amber has diabetes and avoids foods that have a high glycemic index. What effect might these foods have?


   A. Cause hydrogenation of unsaturated fats.   

   B. Raise the level of saturated fats.   

   C. Raise blood sugar levels.   

   D. Inactivate essential amino acids.   

   E. Cause resistance to digestion.   
Question 7 of 60   1.667 Points
Kyla is studying the oxygen use by the livers of seals. She detected a 4 kPa
partial pressure of oxygen in liver tissue fluid. What partial pressure of oxygen in a capillary would be required to allow a net inflow of oxygen into the liver fluid?


   A. 5 kPa   

   B. 1 kPa   

   C. 2 kPa   

   D. 4 kPa   

   E. 3 kPa   
Question 8 of 60   1.667 Points
Lance is studying invertebrate respiration and wants to measure oxygen exchange surfaces in a large insect. Where would most gas exchange occur?


   A. Book lungs.   

   B. Tracheoles.   

   C. Gills.   

   D. Skin.   

   E. Spiracles.   
Question 9 of 60   1.667 Points
Per wishes to study the process of internal respiration in mice. Which of the following would he study?


   A. Gas transfer between blood and tissue fluid.   

   B. Gas transfer across alveoli.   

   C. Gas transfer between cells and tissue fluid.   

   D. Gas transfer between hemoglobin and plasma.   

   E. Fuel breakdown within cells.   
Question 10 of 60   1.667 Points
Jason has a defective tricuspid valve. What might be the consequences?


   A. Blood would leak back into the left atrium.   

   B. Blood would leak back into the right atrium.   

   C. Blood would leak back into the left ventricle.   

   D. Blood would leak back into the vena cava.   

   E. Blood would leak back into the right ventricle.   
Question 11 of 60   1.667 Points
Cristo had high blood pressure that was damaging the inside of his arteries. What arterial layer would first be damaged?


   A. Endothelium.   

   B. Elastic tissue.   

   C. Muscle.   

   D. Connective tissue.   

   E. Capillaries.   
Question 12 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following is not an example of systemic circulation?


   A. Blood flow to the lungs.   

   B. Blood flow to the kidneys.   

   C. Blood flow to the brain.   

   D. Blood flow to the heart muscle.   

   E. Blood flow to the liver.   
Question 13 of 60   1.667 Points
Adalia was studying the responses of animals to extreme heat and cold. She noticed that a hare (with a normal body temperature of 39 degrees Celsius) was able to largely shut down the circulation to its ears. At what body temperature: environmental temperature ratio would this be least likely to happen?


   A. 40: 45   

   B. 41: 25   

   C. 40: 30   

   D. 38: 39   

   E. 37: 39   
Question 14 of 60   1.667 Points
Jake has an inherited disease in which his helper T cells fail to produce lymphokines. How would he respond to an infection?


   A. He would lack neutrophils   

   B. He would be unable to get a fever   

   C. He would fail to produce interferon   

   D. His B cells would fail to reproduce   

   E. He would lack macrophages   
Question 15 of 60   1.667 Points
A technician has analyzed a sample of Darien's blood, which indicates that he is having a massive immune reaction. Which of these blood components would she classify as an antibody?


   A. Phagocyte   

   B. IgE   

   C. Natural killer cell   

   D. Plasma cell   

   E. Memory cell   
Question 16 of 60   1.667 Points
Farleigh has received a heart transplant, but his own immune cells are attacking the foreign heart. Where would these cells have learned not to attack Farleigh's own body cells?


   A. Heart   

   B. Kidney   

   C. Liver   

   D. Spleen   

   E. Thymus   

Question 17 of 60   1.667 Points
An ultrasound scan found that Taylor has a kidney stone in her renal pelvis. If it moves through her urinary system, what structure will it next enter?


   A. Ureter.   

   B. Bladder.   

   C. Urethra.   

   D. Collecting duct.   
Question 18 of 60   1.667 Points
Brianna has myositis, a condition in which muscle cells are dying. What excretion product would muscle cell DNA be converted to?


   A. Creatinine.   

   B. Ammonia.   

   C. Uric acid.   

   D. Glucose.   
Question 19 of 60   1.667 Points
Mona has a low blood calcium level and is undergoing hemodialysis using a high calcium dialysate. What will happen?


   A. There will be no exchange of calcium between dialysate and blood.   

   B. The dialysate calcium will all be absorbed by her blood.   

   C. The blood calcium and dialysate calcium levels will equalize.   

   D. Her blood calcium will be absorbed by the dialysate.   
Question 20 of 60   1.667 Points
Louise is a biotechnologist studying the possibility of transplanting cells to repair multiple sclerosis, a disease in which the myelin sheath is disrupted. What would she transplant to a patients leg?


   A. Motor neurons.   

   B. Schwann cells.   

   C. Oligodendrocytes.   

   D. Dendrites.   

   E. Interneurons.   
Question 21 of 60   1.667 Points
Deepti works for a pharmaceutical company and is developing a drug that will block sodium channels. What effect would the drug have on a nerve?


   A. Block the threshold potential.   

   B. Block the membrane potential.   

   C. Accelerate depolarization.   

   D. Increase the action potential.   

   E. Accelerate saltation.   
Question 22 of 60   1.667 Points
During which phase of neuron activity would you expect to observe maximum permeability of sodium channels?


   A. Threshold potential phase.   

   B. Action potential phase.   

   C. Stimulus phase.   

   D. Repolarization phase.   

   E. Resting membrane potential phase.   
Question 23 of 60   1.667 Points
Rose found a fossil skull that she suspected was from a flying reptile. The skull would reveal what part of the brain to be well developed if this were the case?


   A. Medulla.   

   B. Hypothalamus.   

   C. Cerebellum.   

   D. Thalamus.   

   E. Midbrain.   
Question 24 of 60   1.667 Points
Maya is photographing wildlife including the platypus, and has noticed that it can locate food in muddy streams with its eyes, ears, and nostrils closed. Likely what is it using?


   A. Semicircular canals.   

   B. Magnetic receptors.   

   C. Electroreceptors.   

   D. Cochlear hair cells.   

   E. Pit organs.   
Question 25 of 60   1.667 Points
Gabriella is studying the sensory responses of hibernating bears. Which of the following would she classify as a “special” sense?


   A. Shivering in response to a drop in temperature.   

   B. Reaction to a noxious odor.   

   C. Limb movement away from a hot probe.   

   D. Limb movement away from a pin prick.   

   E. Limb movement in response to pressure on the skin.   
Question 26 of 60   1.667 Points
Sam has a bony closure of the round window. What would be the effects?


   A. Dampening of fluid motion in the tympanic and vestibular canals.   

   B. Lack of otoliths.   

   C. Failure of attachment of the stapes.   

   D. Acceleration of fluid motion in the tympanic and vestibular canals.   

   E. Lack of hair cells.   
Question 27 of 60   1.667 Points
Cole is studying bone marrow transplantation and wants to sample red bone marrow from an animal. In what bone would red marrow predominate?


   A. Rib.   

   B. Femur.   

   C. Humerus.   

   D. Ulna.   

   E. Tibia.   
Question 28 of 60   1.667 Points
Some vertebrate animals lack marrow cavities in many bones. Using your knowledge of bone structure, predict in which of the following you would expect to find the most evidence of solid bones.


   A. Meat-eating cat.   

   B. River-bottom-feeding manatee.   

   C. Insect-eating frog.   

   D. Insect-eating bat.   

   E. Seed-eating chickadee.   
Question 29 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following would you classify as an endoskeleton?


   A. The shell of a crab.   

   B. The ribs of a fish.   

   C. The shell of a clam.   

   D. The shell of an armadillo.   

   E. The muscles of an earthworm.   
Question 30 of 60   1.667 Points
Austin is designing a drug to promote bone healing after fractures. What should he target? What would be the source of new bone after a fracture?


   A. Osteocytes.   

   B. Yellow marrow.   

   C. Red marrow.   

   D. Synovial fluid.   

   E. Osteoblasts.   
Question 31 of 60   1.667 Points
Mae is an airline hostess who has difficulty sleeping at hotels overseas because of the time change. Ingestion of what kind of pill might best help her sleep?


   A. Melatonin.   

   B. Prolactin.   

   C. Melanocyte-stimulating hormone.   

   D. Oxytocin.   

   E. Thyroid-stimulating hormone.   
Question 32 of 60   1.667 Points
Ami has severe osteoporosis. What laboratory test results would suggest a possible cause?


   A. Calcitonin excess.   

   B. Inactive osteoclasts.   

   C. Low glucocorticoid level.   

   D. Low parathyroid hormone level.   

   E. Calcitonin deficiency.   
Question 33 of 60   1.667 Points
Evita's doctor suspects that she has hyperthyroidism. What test result might best help confirm this?


   A. Low level of glucagon.   

   B. High level of oxytocin.   

   C. Low level of thyroid-stimulating hormone.   

   D. High level of thyroid-stimulating hormone.   

   E. Low level of parathyroid hormone.   
Question 34 of 60   1.667 Points
Kyle is studying the action of various hormones that you may or may not be familiar with. In any event, you should be able to decide which of the following he would not classify as a releasing hormone.


   A. PIH, which inhibits the release of prolactin.   

   B. Epinephrine, which regulates the release of glucose.   

   C. Somatostatin, which regulates the release of growth hormone.   

   D. GHRH, which regulates the release of growth hormone.   

   E. CRH, which regulates the release of ACTH.   
Question 35 of 60   1.667 Points
Janice ovulates normally but has had difficulty conceiving a child and is to undergo a biopsy -- a sample of tissue will be removed to determine if it responds normally to steroid hormones. Where would be the best location to biopsy?


   A. Endometrium.   

   B. Fallopian tube.   

   C. Vagina.   

   D. Oviduct.   

   E. Ovary.   
Question 36 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following features is characteristic of spores?


   A. They are produced by plants termed sporophytes.   

   B. They fuse to form zygotes.   

   C. They form plants termed sporophytes.   

   D. They are formed only by meiosis.   

   E. They are formed only by mitosis.   
Question 37 of 60   1.667 Points
Anna is infertile and although ultrasound imaging shows that she develops large egg follicles, she fails to ovulate. Most likely her ovaries are failing to respond to what hormone?


   A. Estrogen.   

   B. hCG.   

   C. FSH.   

   D. Progesterone.   

   E. LH.   
Question 38 of 60   0.0 Points
Darren is a wildlife technician who is sampling specimens from a deer to determine reproductive condition. Where in the deer would he observe meiosis?


   A. Prostate gland.   

   B. Bulbourethral glands.   

   C. Urethra.   

   D. Seminal vesicles.   

   E. Seminiferous tubules.   
Question 39 of 60   1.667 Points
Belle is studying a population of moose on an island and the shape of the population growth curve is sigmoid, with population size plotted on the vertical axis and time plotted on the horizontal axis. Likely what accounts for the flattening of the curve at the top?


   A. Exponential growth.   

   B. Aging of animals so they no longer reproduce.   

   C. Allelopathy.   

   D. Density suddenly lowered.   

   E. Shortage of resources, raising the death rate and lowering the birth rate.   
Question 40 of 60   1.667 Points
The population of Greece is 11 million people. The birth rate is 9 per thousand per year and the death rate is 9 per thousand per year. The fertility rate is 1.3 children per woman. Estimate the increase in annual food production required to feed the estimated population size one year from now, ignoring immigration and emigration.


   A. 9.0 percent.   

   B. 1.3 percent.   

   C. .09 percent.   

   D. 9 percent.   

   E. Zero percent.   
Question 41 of 60   1.667 Points
Brianna is studying a mountain sheep population with an annual growth rate of 20 percent. If the population presently contains 150 sheep, what population size should she estimate for one year from now, assuming the growth rate continues and ignoring immigration and emigration?


   A. 180.   

   B. 156.   

   C. 200.   

   D. 160.   

   E. 300.   
Question 42 of 60   1.667 Points
Alonso is studying a population of rare orchids and he is concerned about factors that may limit orchid numbers. Which of the following would most likely operate as a density-dependent factor?


   A. Heavy snowfall.   

   B. Predation by snails.   

   C. Drought.   

   D. Air pollution.   

   E. Flooding.   
Question 43 of 60   1.667 Points
If you were a travel agent with clients who wanted an ecotour to see bison and prairies dogs, where would you send your clients?


   A. Taiga.   

   B. Arctic tundra.   

   C. Alpine tundra.   

   D. Grassland.   

   E. Desert.   
Question 44 of 60   1.667 Points
Heidi wishes to evaluate the global conservation of various groups of organisms. In which biome would she find dominance of grass species?


   A. Tropical rain forest.   

   B. Taiga.   

   C. Savanna.   

   D. Temperate deciduous forest.   

   E. Tundra.   
Question 45 of 60   1.667 Points
A large fraction of global biodiversity exists in tropical rain forests. Which of the following is not an explanation for the high productivity of these forests?


   A. Abundant rainfall.   

   B. Year-round sunlight.   

   C. Fertile soils.   

   D. Warm temperatures.   

   E. Efficient recycling.   
Question 46 of 60   1.667 Points
If you were a travel agent designing a specialty tour to view termite mounds, which ecosystem would you target?


   A. Desert.   

   B. Arctic tundra.   

   C. Taiga.   

   D. Savanna   

   E. Estuary.   
Question 47 of 60   1.667 Points
Dirk is a politician who is trying to understand the greenhouse effect. Which of the following explanations is most accurate?


   A. Global warming results in melting of glaciers.   

   B. Tropical rain forest destruction mimics the destruction of a greenhouse.   

   C. CFCs produce holes in the ozone layer.   

   D. Ozone is generated by automobile pollution.   

   E. Atmospheric gases block heat radiation from the earth.   
Question 48 of 60   1.667 Points
Alex has an acid rain monitoring program. Which of the following pH values would indicate the most acidic rain?


   A. 2   

   B. 1.5   

   C. 3   

   D. 8   

   E. 8.5   
Question 49 of 60   1.667 Points
Vicky is an epidemiologist who has noticed an increase in skin cancer incidence. Which of the following would be the most likely cause?


   A. CFC pollution.   

   B. Habitat loss.   

   C. Loss of biological diversity.   

   D. Thermal pollution.   

   E. Eutrophication.   
Question 50 of 60   1.667 Points
Scientists estimate that twenty percent of the earth’s population consumes eighty percent of the earth’s resources. What does this imply?


   A. Twenty percent of the population recycles.   

   B. Metals should replace plastics.   

   C. Eighty percent of the population has inadequate renewable resources.   

   D. Population size is not a good measure of environmental impact.   

   E. Eighty percent of the population lives sustainably.   
Question 51 of 60   1.667 Points
Exponential growth can only occur when:


   A. the rate of increase of the population is negative.   

   B. a population experiences extreme competition for resources.   

   C. growth conditions are ideal.   

   D. the birth rate is less than or equal to the death rate.   
Question 52 of 60   1.667 Points
The major density dependent limiting factor in populations is:


   A. intraspecies competition.   

   B. predation.   

   C. parasitism.   

   D. weather conditions.   
Question 53 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following factors are density-dependent factors that regulate population growth?


   A. food   

   B. disease   

   C. stress   

   D. parasitism   

   E. all of the above   
Question 54 of 60   1.667 Points
Hypertension means:


   A. High blood sugar levels   

   B. High blood pressure levels   

   C. High blood cholesterol levels   

   D. None of the choices listed   
Question 55 of 60   1.667 Points
Diastolic pressure is measured:


   A. none of the choices listed   

   B. as soon as the cuff is completely tightened   

   C. by lightly tapping the arm   

   D. when blood flow just returns to normal in the artery   

Question 56 of 60   1.667 Points
Assume you are a biologist that is studying the effect of a new food additive on the digestive system. Since other species can be used to some degree to understand human body systems, you are looking for a test group. Based on the following phylogeny, which group would you expect the anatomy to be most similar to humans and therefore choose as your test group?

   A. Amphibians   

   B. Sharks   

   C. Mammals    

   D. Ray finned fish   

   E. None of the above   

Question 57 of 60   1.667 Points
In the opened mouth of the leopard frog, one can see:


   A. The nostrils   

   B. The glottis   

   C. The vomerine teeth   

   D. A and B   

   E. All of the above    
Question 58 of 60   1.667 Points
_______ muscle is found in the heart.


   A. cardiac   

   B. skeletal   

   C. ligament   

   D. smooth   
Question 59 of 60   1.667 Points
In response to a stimulus, skeletal muscle fibers:


   A. Always contract to 25% of their potential ability   

   B. Always contract to 50% of their potential ability   

   C. Always contract 100% of their potential ability   

   D. None of the above   
Question 60 of 60   1.667 Points
In the muscle stimulation lab, the muscle tested came from a:


   A. salamander   

   B. mouse   

   C. frog   

   D. pig   
Source  Alters and Alters
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