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Pandabearsrlyfe Pandabearsrlyfe
Posts: 529
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6 years ago
Warm parents are:
  a. less likely to hug or kiss their children.
  b. less affectionate overall than other parents.
  c. less likely to use physical punishment.
  d. more likely to blame the child for his/her actions.

Question 2

According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,:
  a. cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal, hereditary disease among European-Americans.
  b. about 30,000 Americans have cystic fibrosis.
  c. 1 in every 31 people are carriers of cystic fibrosis.
  d. all of these are true about cystic fibrosis.

Question 3

Which of the following is recognized as a dimension of child rearing patterns?
  a. sensitivity-aloofness c. hands-on-unrestrictedness
  b. friendship-guardianship d. restrictiveness-permissiveness

Question 4

Tay-Sachs disease results in:
  a. death by approximately the age of 5.
  b. painful and swollen joints.
  c. thick mucus that clogs the pancreas and lungs.
  d. all of these

Question 5

What are pragmatics?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Which of the following individuals are LEAST likely to have Tay-Sachs disease?
  a. an 8-year-old c. a 2-year-old
  b. a 4-year-old d. a 1-year-old

Question 7

Does cognitive development precede language development or does language development precede cognitive development?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 8

Which of the following individuals are MOST likely to have Tay-Sachs disease?
  a. a 4-year-old child of Jewish descent c. a 5-year-old European-American
  b. a 10-year-old African-American d. a 20-year-old Hispanic male

Question 9

What are some of the common errors in language that children make during early childhood?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5

Pragmatics refers to the practical aspects of communication. Children show pragmatism when they adjust their speech to fit the social situation, for examples showing greater formality in their choice of words and syntax when they are role-playing high-status figures such as teachers or physicians. Preschoolers tend to be egocentric, thinking that another child knows what they want without specifying. But once children can perceive the world through the eyes of others, they advance in their abilities to make themselves understood and will give a descriptions so that the other child can carry out the request.

Answer to q. 6


Answer to q. 7

The answer is neither. Piaget believed that cognitive development precedes language development. He argued that children must understand concepts before they use words to describe them. Some studies support this notion, but other research suggests that young children need to experience an action themselves or by observation to learn the meaning of a verb. Other theorists believe that children create cognitive classes to understand things that are labeled by words. But today most developmentalists find something of value in each of these cognitive views. In the early stages of language development concepts often precede words, and many of the infant's words describe classes that have already developed. But later language influence thoughts. Vygotsky believed in this approach. He thought that during most of the first year, vocalizations and thoughts are separate, but during the second year, thought and speech combine forces.

Answer to q. 8


Answer to q. 9

Due to a language acquisition process called fast mapping, children quickly attach new words to the appropriate concepts. The whole-object assumption leads children to surmise that the names of objects (such as kitty) refer to the entire object (the body, the head, the legs, the tail, and so on) rather than just one feature (such as the color of the fur). Despite the incredible advances in language development, children are prone to certain errors. One error is overregularization. With this error, children assume that grammatical rules should be applied universally. It is the exceptions to our language that are the hardest to learn. Children learn, for example, that adding an ed to words makes them past tense. So walk becomes walked. Children overuse these rules so that go becomes goed.
6 years ago
Thank you so much for providing this
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