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i_love_science i_love_science
Posts: 38
Rep: 1 0
3 years ago
Here is the question:

Is it true that the value of K depends on the amounts of reactants and/or products that are mixed together initially? Explain.

These are my two possible explanations:

1. The reaction shifts left or right to reach equilibrium no matter what the initial reactant and product amounts are. Thus, the ratio of their respective equilibrium concentrations (or partial pressures) which is represented by K does not change. The statement is false.

2. The reaction always shifts left or right given any initial reactant and product amounts to attain equilibrium. Thus, the ratio of the equilibrium concentrations (or partial pressures), which is represented by the value of K, is also not affected by the initial reactant and product amounts. The statement is false.

I need help on writing clear and concise explanations. Could anyone tell me which of my solutions is better, or recommend a better answer? Are there any strategies for writing clearly and concisely?

Thank you!
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3 years ago
Hi i_love_biology

Apparently this is the accepted answer for that question.

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