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nmar nmar
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6 years ago
Because of the relatively small number of Black students at the university studied and the limited interactionswith Whites that Black fraternity men have, they are much more visible. In fact, this group of Black men aligns with the ideals that have been conceptualized as the Talented Tenth.. To what does this refer?
  a. This refers to Blackelites that are expected to sacrifice personal interests and provide leadership to the Black community.
  b. This refers to Blacks in a predominantly white society that must show bravado and aggressiveness to prove their worth.
  c. This expression fosters the notion that Blacks are superior athletically and, through this physical prowess, dominate in white society.
  d. The Talented Tenth are members of society that are Black, well educated, politically astute, and intellectually advanced.

Question 2

One of the stereotypes of Black men that has been perpetrated has been that of the Mandingo.. This stereotypes Black men in which of the following ways?
  a. Black men are caring, sensitive, and compassionate to women because they respect their femininity and child-care abilities.
  b. Black men are portrayed as overly aggressive, sexually promiscuous, physically superior and intellectually inferior.
  c. Black men are more in control of their sexual environments and thus normalize the sexual objectification of women.
  d. Black men are expected to act sexually toward women because women, especially Black women, prefer it that way.

Question 3

According to this article, scholars have offered different explanations in terms of racial differences in men's approaches to women. Which of the following is NOT one of these approaches?
  a. Black and White men objectify women in the same way.
  b. Black men objectify women more than White men.
  c. Age, not race, is the determining factor in how men objectify women, with older men objectifying women more for both Blacks and Whites.
  d. White men objectify women more than Black me.

Question 4

According to the author of this study, Korean banks serve
  a. a clientele that is primarily made up of Americans of ethnic minority groups that are not Koreans.
  b. a global community that is only of benefit to Koreans.
  c. may be in a better position to serve both Korean communities and other minority communities than long-established American banks.
  d. to take money away from American banking and to put that money into their coffers.

Question 5

The significance of globalization in banking can be seen in which of the following statements?
  a. Most American minority group banks are first generation and have not had the time to build up significant cash supplies.
  b. Most Asian and Asian American banks are now in their second generation, allowing them to get a stronger foothold in the American economy.
  c. Asian banks are more involved in cross-border population and financial flow, thereby establishing themselves in the global economy.
  d. All of the above.

Question 6

As compared to Korean banks, the total assets of other minority banks, such as African American, Latino, Native American, and Asian Pacific Islanders combined
  a. greatly exceeds the assets of the Korean banks by tenfold.
  b. have much less assets than the Korean banks, despite the fact that there are many more of these other minority banks.
  c. about equals the amount of assets of the Korean banks, when combined together.
  d. There is no way of accounting for the combined assets of any of these banks.

Question 7

One possible advantage of Korean banks, especially for people in poverty or of various ethnic minority groups, is that
  a. Korean banks make sure that they have people on staff from all over the world so that there are not as many language problems.
  b. some groups, such as Latinos and African Americans, feel unwelcomed by American banks because these people may lack required identification and credit histories, but they feel welcomed by Korean banks.
  c. Korean banks are more liberal in their interpretation of American banking laws.
  d. People from impoverished ethnic groups feel more comfortable banking with Koreans, who share some of their problems fitting into American culture.
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