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lacerna92 lacerna92
6 years ago
Which of the following statements is true?
  a. Single older adults do better economically than those that are married.
  b. Older adults no longer assist in caring for their grandchildren as they did in the past.
  c. Older men are more likely than older women to be married.
  d. Older adults generally rely on their children for help more than their children rely on them.

Question 2

The average American parent:
  a. wants adult children to continue co-residence in the parental home.
  b. anticipates with dread the time when children leave home.
  c. reports lower marital satisfaction when the adult child still lives with them.
  d. hopes that children and grandchildren will continue to live with them.

Question 3

Studies of the empty nest, the stage in the family life cycle when the last child leaves home, generally find that:
  a. men are relieved, but women feel lost and depressed.
  b. women are relieved, but men feel lost and depressed.
  c. most parents look forward to it.
  d. most parents report that it is the least satisfying stages of the family life cycle.

Question 4

The racial/ethnic group and gender most likely to marry outside of their own group is:
  a. Asian American women.
  b. Hispanic American men.
  c. African American men.
  d. white women.

Question 5

Differences in the availability of marriageable men account for at least _______ of the race difference in overall marriage rates.
  a. 40
  b. 32
  c. 26
  d. 13

Question 6

According to William Julius Wilson, African American women are much less likely than white women to marry because:
  a. they find marriage oppressive.
  b. marriage is symbolic of white middle-class society.
  c. they would like to be free to be involved with other men if the opportunity arises.
  d. there are not enough economically-attractive African American men to meet the demand.

Question 7

The research reported in the text suggests that mate selection occurs sequentially through:
  a. attractiveness, propinquity, and compatibility.
  b. attractiveness, compatibility, and propinquity.
  c. propinquity, attractiveness, and compatibility.
  d. compatibility, propinquity, and attractiveness.
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6 years ago
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lacerna92 Author
6 years ago
Oh god, I was lost before coming here. Thanksss
6 years ago
Great, make sure you mark the topic solved, it hides it from other eyes Slight Smile
4 years ago
This is awesome thank you!
4 years ago
this is helpful thank you
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