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6 years ago
At birth, male and female infants are distinguished by __________, which are the genitalia used in the reproductive process.
  a. tertiary sex characteristics b. primary sex characteristics
 c. cultural tendencies d. secondary sex characteristics

Question 2

Describe the conditions for collective behavior, the dynamics of collective behavior, and the distinctions regarding collective behavior.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

__________ are large companies that are headquartered in one country but produce goods and services across many different national boundaries.
  a. Interlocking directorates
 b. Economic concentrations
 c. Transnational corporations
 d. Capitalist intermonopolies

Question 4

At the core of the differences between gender and sex is the chromosomal information transmitted at the moment a child is conceived. The mother contributes an X chromosome and if the father contributes a Y chromosome, a __________ would be produced.
  a. male embryob. heterosexual embryo
 c. female embryo d. hermaphrodite embryo

Question 5

Outline the new social movement theory and the diverse array of social movements on which it focuses.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Large-scale organizations that have their own legal powers as an organization separate from the individual owners, such as the ability to enter into contracts and buy and sell property, are termed __________.
  a. corporations
 b. economic concentrations
 c. conglomerates
 d. interlocking directorates

Question 7

At the core of the differences between gender and sex is the chromosomal information transmitted at the moment a child is conceived. The mother contributes an X chromosome and if the father contributes an X, a __________ would be produced.
  a. heterosexual embryo b. male embryo
 c. hermaphrodite embryo d. female embryo
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2

The following are suggested areas for students to address in their essays: Define collective behavior.

Compare organizational behavior and collective behavior. Compare institutional behavior and collective behavior. Define collectivity.

Describe three major factors that contribute to collective behavior. Explain the dynamics of collective behavior.

Define a crowd and provide an example. Define a mass and provide an example.

Encourage students to include any personal viewpoints on collective behavior in their response.

Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5

New social movement theory looks at a diverse array of collective actions and the manner in which those actions are based on politics, ideology, and culture. It also incorporates factors of identity, including race, class, gender, and sexuality, as sources of collective action and social movements. Examples of new social movements include ecofeminism and environmental justice movements.

(1) Ecofeminism emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s out of the feminist, peace, and ecology movements. Ecofeminists established the World Women in Defense of the Environment. Ecofeminism is based on the belief that patriarchy is a root cause of environmental problems. According to ecofeminists, patriarchy not only results in the domination of women by men but also contributes to a belief that nature is to be possessed and dominated, rather than treated as a partner.

(2) Another new social movement focuses on environmental justice and the intersection of race and class in the environmental struggle. Since the 1980s, the emerging environmental movement has focused on the issue of environmental racism the belief that a disproportionate number of hazardous facilities (including industries such as waste disposal/treatment and chemical plants) are placed in low-income areas populated primarily by people of color. Sociologist Steven M. Buechler has argued that theories pertaining to 21st century social movements should be oriented toward the structural, macrolevel contexts in which movements arise.

These theories should incorporate both political and cultural dimensions of social activism.

Answer to q. 6


Answer to q. 7

xr Author
6 years ago
Great answers! <3
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