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6 years ago
Women in traditionally male organizations may feel more visible and experience greater performance pressure. They may also find it harder to gain credibility in management positions.
  a. True
 b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 2

The most widely known development theory is __________, which is a perspective that links global inequality to different levels of economic development and suggests that low-income economies can move to middle- and high-income economies by achieving self-sustained economic growth.
  a. dependency theory
 b. world systems theory
 c. modernization theory
 d. the new international division of labor theory

Question 3

From a global perspective, trace formal education in preindustrial and industrial societies.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

According to Robert Merton, the term bureaucratic personality describes those workers who are more concerned with following correct procedures than they are with getting the job done correctly.
  a. True
 b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 5

Human development research has reached the conclusion that_________________.
  a. increases in human development will seem greater in poorer countries
 b. without significant increases in income, human development is not possible
 c. the best way to achieve human development is through economic development
 d. economic growth and higher incomes are not necessary to achieve improvement in health and education

Question 6

Describe future issues and trends in American education.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3

Although preindustrial societies had a written language, few people knew how to read and write, and formal education was often reserved for the privileged. Education became more formalized in preindustrial and industrial societies. Formal education is learning that takes place within an academic setting such as a school, which has a planned instructional process and teachers who convey specific knowledge, skills, and thinking processes to students. In the Renaissance, the focus of education shifted to the importance of developing well-rounded and liberally educated people. With the rapid growth of industrial capitalism and factories during the Industrial Revolution, it became necessary for workers to have basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic. As societies industrialized, the need for formal education of the masses increased significantly. In the United States, the free public school movement was started in 1848 by Horace Mann.

By the mid-1850s, the process of mass education had begun in the United States as all states established free, tax-supported elementary schools that were readily available to children throughout the country. Mass education refers to providing free public schooling for wide segments of a nation's population.

As industrialization and bureaucratization intensified, managers and business owners demanded that schools educate students beyond the third or fourth grade so that well-qualified workers would be available for rapidly emerging whitecollar jobs in management.

Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6

The most important educational reform will deal with Obama's response to No Child Left Behind legislation. In 2010, the Obama administration issued A Blueprint for Reform in an effort to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This act will increase the role of the federal government in raising standards for all students and providing them with a well-rounded education so that they can contribute as citizens to the process of democracy and learn to thrive in a global economy. Equalizing opportunities for students with disabilitiesdisability is regarded as any physical and/or mental condition that limits students' access to, or full involvement in, school life. Many schools have attempted to mainstream children with disabilities by providing inclusion programs, under which the special education curriculum is integrated with the regular education program and each child receives an individualized education plan that provides annual educational goals. Some are advocating school voucher programs, which give parents the choice of what school their child will attend. Critics believe that such programs undermine public education and might cause the public school system to collapse. Supporters believe that fairness is a central issue. The poor should have the same chance for a quality education as the more affluent. Charter schools and for profit schools create public schools that operate under a contract negotiated by the school's organizers and a sponsor that oversees the provisions of the contract (which may provide more autonomy for individual students and teachers. Home schooling, a final alternative, has been chosen by some parents who hope to avoid the problems of public schools while providing a quality education for their children.
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