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Seven7Seven Seven7Seven
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6 years ago
A note left at the scene of a suicide expressed the victim's concern that he felt little sense of moral guidance. He indicated that he was uncertain about what was right or wrong in today's world. Using Emile Durkheim's theory, sociologists might conclude that the suicide victim was feeling:
  a. anomie. b. alienation.
 c. integration. d. isolation.

Question 2

The socialization process yields the same outcomes in all societies.
  a. True
 b. False
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Question 3

__________ defines a condition in which social control becomes ineffective as a result of the loss of shared values and a sense of purpose in society.
  a. Social disorganization b. Social dysfunctionalism
 c. Cultural breakdown d. Anomie

Question 4

Describe the major ethical concerns in sociological research.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

A community that comes together to build a barn for one of its members after it has been destroyed by fire would be characteristic of a preindustrial society. Durkheim would conclude their members have:
  a. anomie. b. social disorganization.
 c. shared moral beliefs and values. d. cultural conflict.

Question 6

Explain the process of conducting an experiment, along with its advantages and disadvantages.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

_____ are patterned ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that exist outside any one individual but that exert social control over each person.
  a. Social networks b. Social gatherings
 c. Social bondings d. Social facts

Question 8

Explain how the steps in the qualitative research model differ from the conventional quantitative model.
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1


Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3


Answer to q. 4

Researchers are required to obtain written informed consent statements from the

persons they study. The American Sociological Association's (ASA) Code of Ethics

sets forth certain basic standards that sociologists must follow in conducting research.

(1) Researchers must endeavor to maintain objectivity and integrity in their research by

disclosing their research findings in full and including all possible interpretations of the

data (even those interpretations that do not support their own viewpoints) (2)

researchers must safeguard the participants' right to privacy and dignity while

protecting them from harm (3) researchers must protect confidential information

provided by participants, even when this information is not considered to be

privileged (legally protected, as in the case between doctor and patient and between

attorney and client) and legal pressure is applied to reveal this information and (4)

researchers must acknowledge research collaboration and assistance they receive

from others and disclose all sources of financial support. Sociologists are obligated to

adhere to this code and to protect research participants.

Answer to q. 5


Answer to q. 6

An experiment is a carefully designed situation in which the researcher studies the

impact of certain variables on subjects' attitudes or behaviors. An experiment has an

experimental group, which is exposed to the independent variable, and a control group,

whose subjects are not exposed to the independent variable. A major advantage is the

experimenter's control of the process the greatest limitation is that the experiment is

artificialthe behavior takes place in an artificially created situation.

Answer to q. 7


Answer to q. 8

In a qualitative approach, reviewing the literature and developing the research design

often happen simultaneously. Typically, the next step is collecting and analyzing data to

assess the validity of the starting proposition. Data gathering is the foundation of the

research. Researchers pursuing a qualitative approach tend to gather data in natural

settings, such as where the person lives or works, rather than in a laboratory or other

research setting. Data

collection and analysis frequently occur concurrently, and the analysis draws heavily on

the language of the persons studied, not the researcher. Additional review of the

literature may occur later in the process after data have been gathered and further

insights are needed to help describe, explain, or make predictions from the data that

have been analyzed. Finally, the researchers draw conclusions from their research and

report their findings to others.
Seven7Seven Author
6 years ago
Were some really tough homework problems! Thanks for answering all of them correctly
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