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michaela40 michaela40
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6 years ago
Explain how industrialization and urbanization motivated the emergence of sociology, the systematic study of society.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

According to Auguste Comte, societies contain _____, which are forces for social order and stability.
  a. social statics b. social dynamics
 c. social choices d. social functions

Question 3

Explain what is meant by the sociological imagination.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

The founder of sociology is:
  a. Max Weber. b. Karl Marx.
 c. Emile Durkheim. d. Auguste Comte.

Question 5

Define sociology and explain how it helps us to better understand our social world and ourselves.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

French philosopher __________ is credited with having coined the term sociology to describe a new science that would engage in the study of society.
  a. Max Weber b. Herbert Spencer
 c. Emile Durkheim d. Auguste Comte
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Massive economic, technological, and social changes occurred as machine technology

and the factory system shifted the economic base from agriculture to manufacturing. A

new social class of industrialists emerged in textiles, iron smelting, and related

industries. Many people who had labored on the land were forced to leave their tightly

knit rural communities and sacrifice well-defined social relationships to seek

employment as factory workers in the emerging cities, which became the centers of

industrial work. The development of the factory system led to a rapid increase in both

the number of cities and the size of the population. People from very diverse

backgrounds worked together in the same factory. At the same time, many people

shifted from being producers to being consumers. These living and working conditions

led to the development of new social problems: inadequate housing, crowding,

unsanitary conditions, poverty, pollution, and crime. Wages were so low that entire

familiesincluding very young childrenwere forced to work, often under hazardous

conditions and with no job security. As these conditions became more visible, a new

breed of social thinkers turned its attention to trying to understand why and how society

was changing.

Answer to q. 2


Answer to q. 3

Mills described the sociological imagination as the ability to see the relationship

between individual experiences and the larger society. This awareness enables us to

understand the link between our personal experiences and the social contexts in which

they occur. The sociological imagination helps us distinguish between personal troubles

or problems that affect individuals and the networks of people with which they

associate and social (or public) issues, which are problems that affect large numbers of

people and often require solutions at the societal level. For example, a person's

unemployment can be understood as part of a more widespread pattern of

unemployment resulting from economic changes such as outsourcing.

Answer to q. 4


Answer to q. 5

Sociology is the systematic study of human society and social interaction. Sociologists

study human societies and their social interactions to develop theories of how human

behavior is shaped by group life and how, in turn, group life is affected by individuals.

Sociology helps us gain a better understanding of ourselves and our social world. It

enables us to see how behavior is largely shaped by the groups to which we belong and

the society in which we live. Because of our culture's emphasis on individualism, we

often do not consider the complex connections between our own lives and the larger,

recurring patterns of the society and world in which we live. Sociology helps us look

beyond our personal experiences and gain insights into society and the larger world

order. Sociology enables us to move beyond established ways of thinking, thus allowing

us to gain new insights into ourselves and to develop a greater awareness of the

connection between our own world and that of other people. Sociology provides new

ways of approaching problems and making decisions in everyday life. Sociology

promotes understanding and tolerance by enabling each of us to look beyond our

personal experiences.

Answer to q. 6

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