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mkwilliams mkwilliams
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6 years ago
The formal system of education in all societies is _____, because the avowed function of the schools is to teach newcomers the attitudes, values, roles, specialties, and training necessary for the maintenance of society.
  a. conservative
  b. progressive
  c. transformative
  d. to nurture individualism

Question 2

Discuss child poverty and how it relates to changing family structures.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Discuss the ways in which work affects family life, and how gender differences affect work and family roles in the United States today.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

Discuss how sociologist Judith Stacey's concept of the modern family differs from her idea of the postmodern family. How does class factor into each type of family?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 5

Discuss the evolution of how families have been portrayed on American television.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Which statement explains why youth from families with 200,000 or more income score more than 300 points higher on the SAT than youth from families with an income of 20,000 or less?
  a. Social Darwinism shows that families who have high earnings are more intelligent and more deserving than families with low incomes.
  b. Poor White people are physically and intellectually inferior to poor minorities, therefore, they cannot raise themselves out of poverty.
  c. The end of No Child Left Behind means that schools in poor neighborhoods will not receive the funding they need to improve.
  d. The many benefits of economic privilege include better nutrition, schools, medical care, and technology.
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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

Answer: a. conservative

Answer to q. 2

Feedback: A child's likelihood of experiencing poverty during the formative years is partially determined by the type of family he or she lives in. U.S. child poverty rates are often linked to the surge in families headed by single women. Today, about 35 of all U.S. children live in single-parent families. In addition, there are many low-income, two-parent families with children. Young parents, whether married or single, are especially vulnerable to poverty because they have less job experience and can lose their jobs during economic downturns. Children and adolescents are strongly influenced by the economic resources available to their families and the esteem their family members receive from others. The greater the family's economic resources, the better the chance they have to live past infancy, to be in good health, to receive a good education, to have a satisfying job, to avoid being labeled a criminal, to avoid death in war, and to live the good life. Millions of the nation's children are denied these advantages because they were born to parents who are unemployed, stuck in the lower tier of the segmented labor-market, or victims of institutional racism or sexism.

Answer to q. 3

Feedback: Jobs impose different constraints on families, such as the amount of time spent working and the scheduling of work, which determine the amount of time workers can spend with their families. In addition, work has psychological costs and benefits that influence family interaction. Workfamily interference is the way the connections between jobs and family life may be a source of tension for workers and family members. Spillover is the transfer of moods, feelings, and behavior between work and family settings. Researchers find that work-to-family spillover is more negative than family-to-work spillover. Spillover appears to be a gendered phenomenon, with men's work stress more likely to affect their family life and women's family stress more likely to affect their work life. The gendered and uneven relationship of work and family reinforces traditional divisions of labor in both work and family. Employed wives generally have two jobswork and familywhereas employed husbands have only one. Gender is the deciding factor in who does this second shift work.

Answer to q. 4

Feedback: Stacey's model of the modern family can be described as the 1950s model of an intact nuclear household composed of a male breadwinner, his full-time homemaker wife, and their dependent children. Although this family form was dominant in society, its prevalence varied by social class.The pattern clearly prevailed in middle- and working-class families but was much less likely among low-income families, where women have always had to work outside the home to supplement family income, and in immigrant families who used kinship connections to adjust in the new society. In contrast, she uses the term postmodern families for the diverse family forms that include a different arrangement than a breadwinner husband, homemaker wife, and their dependent children. These include divorce-extended families, families with adult children or elderly parents living at home, single parents with children, among others. These postmodern family forms are new to working-class and middle-class families as they adjust to the structural transformation, but they are not new to those in poverty.

Answer to q. 5

Feedback: The portrayals of families on television show how the ideal or typical American family has shifted over time. In the 1950s and into the 1960s, families fit the husband-breadwinner, wife-homemaker model. Coinciding with rising divorce rates, in the late 1960s and 1970s family forms began to shift to include blended families, single-parent families, and minority families. Popular shows in the 1980s focused on dysfunctional wealthy families in shows that were more like soap-operas than sitcoms. Today, reality television provides a new depiction of family life. While heavily scripted, these shows demonstrate the conflicts and troubles of actual families, and show just how distant the portrayals of the 1950s TV families are.

Answer to q. 6

Answer: d. The many benefits of economic privilege include better nutrition, schools, medical care, and technology.
mkwilliams Author
6 years ago
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