The demographic transition challenges which argument from Thomas Malthus?
a. that death rates can decline
b. that birth rates can decline
c. that populations will grow
d. a and c
e. none of the above
Question 2Which elements are involved in the demographic transition?
a. declining death rates with applications of medical technology
b. high birth rates that do not immediately decline as death rates decline
c. population growth as birth rates remain high for a time after death rates decline
d. a and c
e. all of the above
Question 3According to Kanter's study of the corporation, the position of women in society
a. does not negatively affect their placement in the corporation.
b. affects their placement in the corporation.
c. actually works to favor their placement in the corporation.
Question 4Harper and Leicht describe __________ as patterns of social attitudes, values, and beliefs.
a. structural change
b. network society
c. division of labor
d. cultural themes
Question 5Steinberg argues that affirmative action
a. was important for the creation of a larger African-American middle class.
b. actually hurt African-American opportunities.
c. aided primarily those African Americans who were at the bottom of occupational ladder.
d. unfairly aided African Americans.
Question 6Social life requires that we manage risks. Modern social life
a. is now much riskier overall.
b. has become much less riskier overall.
c. is now riskier in some dimensions, and less risky in others.
d. has not changed substantially in terms of risk.
Question 7Thomas Malthus argued which of the following:
a. Populations grow at an arithmetic rate.
b. Resources grow at an exponential rate
c. Resources grow at uneven rates, while population grows arithmetically.
d. Populations grow at an exponential rate, while resources grow arithmetically.
e. none of the above