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supernumerary supernumerary
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6 years ago
If skilled labor is ___ unskilled labor, then an influx of unskilled immigrants could ____ the demand for skilled labor.
 a. a substitute for; raise
  b. a complement to; raise
  c. a complement to; lower
  d. a complement to; substitute.

Question 2

Which of the following provides an important source for data on colonial wealth?
 a. census records
  b. newspapers
  c. records of charitable contributions
  d. probate records

Question 3

Immigrants tend to be ________ skilled labor and ___________ unskilled labor.
 a. complements with; substitutes for
  b. substitutes for; complements with
  c. substitutes for; also substitutes for
  d. complements with; also complements with

Question 4

Based on the analysis of Alice Hanson Jones, what colonial region showed the most unequal distribution of wealth?
 a. New England.
  b. Middle Colonies.
  c. South.
  d. Distribution was similar in all colonies.

Question 5

What is the most accurate description of skilled and unskilled workers if labor supply curves are not perfectly inelastic (perfectly vertical)?
 a. If the two types are complements, then the increases in immigration during the late 1800s would have increased the quantity and wages of skilled workers and decreased the wages of unskilled workers.
  b. If the two types are substitutes, then the increases in immigration during the late 1800s would have increased the quantity and wages of skilled workers and decreased the wages of unskilled workers.
  c. If the two types are complements, then the increases in immigration during the late 1800s would have increased wages of skilled workers, decreased the number of skilled workers, and decreased the wages of unskilled workers.

Question 6

In the 1770s the per capita income in the colonies:
 a. was higher than the per capita income in developing countries today.
  b. was significantly lower than the per capita income in England during the same period.
  c. was impossible to determine due to inaccurate and incomplete data.
  d. was lower than the current per capita income in developing countries..

Question 7

Assuming that (1) labor supply is perfectly inelastic (vertical), and (2) immigrants and skilled labor are complements, an increase in unskilled immigrant labor ___________ the real wages of unskilled labor and __________the real wages of skilled labor.
 a. increases; increases
  b. increases; decreases
  c. decreases; increases
  d. decreases; decreases

Question 8

What statement best describes the colonial economic experience?
 a. The agricultural sector was initially a small portion of the economy, but quickly grew to be the largest sector.
  b. By the time of the American Revolution, the U.S. colonial economy was larger than about 70 percent of other nation's economies.
  c. The U.S. colonial economy was particularly hurt during the Seven Year's War.
  d. Economic growth was irregular and averaged about 0.45 per year.

Question 9

On the eve of World War I, gains for unions included all of the following except:
 a. substantial wage gains for members in some industries, including bituminous coal mining.
  b. the establishment of insurance programs to compensate workers injured on the job.
  c. political victories, including the elevation of the Department of Labor to cabinet-level status.
  d. legal protection of the closed shop.

Question 10

What was the most immediate impact of introducing the horse to the plains Indians?
 a. A decrease in the amount of agricultural work the Indians did
  b. A large increase in the size of hunting groups
  c. More intensive and more efficient use of animal carcasses.
  d. More time was spent in fixed locations

Question 11

Union activity in late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States
 a. was largely apolitical at the national level.
  b. was the impetus for several national parties.
  c. relied heavily on help from the federal government.
  d. None of the above is correct.

Question 12

The proliferation of the horse in the 17th century caused Great Plains Indians to:
 a. increase their reliance on agricultural work.
  b. engage in less tribal warfare.
  c. use smaller and more independent hunting groups.
  d. kill fewer bison, but make more intensive use of the meat on the carcass.

Question 13

American union membership as a percentage of the total nonfarm labor force reached its peak in
 a. 1900
  b. 1910
  c. 1920
  d. 1930
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
Answer to q. 1

b. a complement to; raise

Answer to q. 2

d. probate records

Answer to q. 3

a. complements with; substitutes for

Answer to q. 4

c. South.

Answer to q. 5

a. If the two types are complements, then the increases in immigration during the late 1800s would have increased the quantity and wages of skilled workers and decreased the wages of unskilled workers.

Answer to q. 6

a. was better than the quality of life in developing countries today.

Answer to q. 7

c. decreases; increases

Answer to q. 8

d. Economic growth was irregular and averaged about 0.45 per year.

Answer to q. 9

d. legal protection of the closed shop.

Answer to q. 10

a. A decrease in the amount of agricultural work the Indians did

Answer to q. 11

a. was largely apolitical at the national level.

Answer to q. 12

c. use smaller and more independent hunting groups.

Answer to q. 13

c. 1920
supernumerary Author
6 years ago
Great answers, all of them were right
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