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barry barry
Posts: 11630
12 years ago
An 18 year old patient has a complaint of painful urination, fever, chills, and back pain. This is her second urinary tract infection (UTI) within 5 months. How can the RN instruct the patient on prevention of another UTI?
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Posts: 33243
12 years ago
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11 years ago
A 20-year old soldier serving in Iraq report to his medic and complains of several large painless sores on his and face.Some of the ulcers have healed,leaving scale. A sample taken from the lesion and examined microscopically  shows the presence of flagellated protozoans. 1.can diagnosis be made from the inflammation? If so what is the diagnosis?
2. what treatment should the medic order?
Staff Member
11 years ago
Please start a new thread.

The person has a condition known as cutaneous leishmaniasis (also know as: Oriental sore, Delhi ulcer, Baghdad boil). In cutaneous leishmaniasis, the organism (L. tropica) multiplies locally, producing of a papule, 1-2 weeks (or as long as 1-2 months) after the bite. The papule gradually grows to form a relatively painless ulcer. The center of the ulcer encrusts while satellite papules develop at the periphery. The ulcer heals in 2-10 months, even if untreated but leaves a disfiguring scar. The disease may disseminate in the case of depressed immune function.

Hope this helps. Slight Smile
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
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