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Brooklyn Kohut Brooklyn Kohut
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5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, Brooklyn Kohut
there will be a few questions here Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes get ready!!
1. in a resting neuron,the outside of the neural membrane is
A. positive, And sodium ion concentration is greater in the fluid outside the acts and then in the Neural cytoplasm
B.  negative, and the sodium ion concentration is greater in the fluid outside the axon then in the neural cytoplasm.
C. Positive, and the sodium ion concentration is greater in the neural cytoplasm and in the fluid outside the axon.
 positive, and the sodium ion concentration is greater in the neural cytoplasm than in the fluid outside of the axon.
D.  negative, and the sodium ion concentration is greater in the neural cytoplasm than in the fluid outside the axon

2. The presence of cholinesterase in the human system allows
A. A recovery period By destroying acetylcholine
B.  One way impulse transmission
C.  acetylcholine to continue stimulating dendrites
D.  more rapid impulse conduction

3.  nerve impulse transmission across the synapse is from
A.  dendrites to cell bodies
B.   cell bodies to the axon terminals
C.  axon terminals to the dendrites
D.  dendrites to the axon terminals

4. Cholinesterase, which is released at the synapse, is an activated by a poison. this poisoning results in
A.  decreased permeability of the dendrite
B.  complete inactivation of the transmitter substance
C.  increased permeability of the dendrite
D.  continued action of the neurotransmitter

5. An impulse moves from neuron to an adjacent neuron by
A. An axon of one neuron touching the axon terminals of the adjacent neuron
B.  A chemical transmitter released by the dendrites of one neuron stimulating the axon terminals of the adjacent neuron
C.  dendrites of one neuron touching the axon terminals of the adjacent neuron
D. a chemical transmitter released by the axon terminals of one neuron stimulating the dendrites of the adjacent neuron

6.  insecticides that inhibit the action of cholinesterase kill insects by
A.  causing continuous muscle contraction
B.  preventing the use of ATP by the neuron
C.  destroying all nerve impulses
D.  preventing the transmission of impulses across the synapse

7.  which part of the brain helps regulate the amount of water in the urine?
A.  medulla oblongata
B.  hypothalamus
C.  cerebellum
D.  cerebrum

8.  if a tumour were to destroy a part of the frontal lobe of the cerebrum most likely there would be a change in
A. vision
B. personality
C. hearing
D. reflex action

9.  if an injured person’s heart and respiration rates varied unexpectedly one might suspect damage to the
A.  cerebrum
B. cerebellum
C. spinal cord
D. medulla oblongata

10.  an impulse in a motor neuron is expected to travel from
 A. Receptor to the spinal cord
b. effector to the spinal cord
C.  spinal cord to the brain
D.  spinal cord to the muscle

11.  A person under the increasing influence of alcohol loses, first, the ability to speak clearly, second, the ability to walk a straight line, and third, the ability to breathe normally.  from the above evidence, in what order does alcohol affect the major divisions of the brain?
A.  cerebrum, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata
B.  Medulla oblongata, cerebellum, and cerebrum
C.  Medulla oblongata, cerebrum, and cerebellum
D.  cerebrum, Medulla oblongata, and cerebellum

12.  when a person suffers an injury to the cerebellum, one affect on the body is the loss of
A. coordination
B. memory
C. breathing regulation
D. sensory perception

13.  The parasympathetic nerve (vagus nerve)conducts impulses to the heart. If this nerve is severed, a likely result will be
A.  increased heart rate
B.  A decrease in arteriolar resistance
C.  A slower pulse rate
D.  lower blood pressure

14.  returning involuntary body functions to normal after period of stress is the function of which division of the nervous system?
A.  parasympathetic
B. somatic
C. sympathetic
D. central

15.  some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are slurred speech and impaired muscle function or lack of muscle coordination. These conditions are caused by a lack of the excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. The releasing sites in the receptor sites for the neurotransmitter dopamine are, respectively,
A.  axon terminals and dendrites
B.   axon terminals and myelin
C.   cell bodies and dendrites
D.   dendrites and Schwann cells

16. A source of Mercury in soil and water can be human activities such as burning hospital waste and the burning of coal for energy. Mercury poisoning causes severe damage the nervous system, which leads to the deterioration of memory and an inability to coordinate muscle movements. The areas of the brain affected by mercury poisoning as indicated by the above symptoms are, respectively,
 Mercury poisoning causes severe damage the nervous system, which leads to the deterioration of memory and an inability to coordinate muscle movements. The areas of the brain affected by mercury poisoning as indicated by the above symptoms are, respectively,
A.  cerebrum, and cerebellum
B.   cerebellum and cerebrum
C.  cerebrum and medulla oblongata
D.  hypothalamus and cerebellum
 Smiling Face with Glasses thanks in advance!!
Read 254 times
12 Replies

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5 years ago
Questions 1 and 2: https://biology-forums.com/index.php?topic=7125.msg25192#msg25192

3.  nerve impulse transmission across the synapse is from
A.  dendrites to cell bodies
B.   cell bodies to the axon terminals
C.  axon terminals to the dendrites
D.  dendrites to the axon terminals


4. (D)

5. (D)

Rest coming soon ...
5 years ago
6.  insecticides that inhibit the action of cholinesterase kill insects by A.  causing continuous muscle contraction B.  preventing the use of ATP by the neuron C.  destroying all nerve impulses D.  preventing the transmission of impulses across the synapse

5 years ago
7.  which part of the brain helps regulate the amount of water in the urine? A.  medulla oblongata B.  hypothalamus C.  cerebellum D.  cerebrum

5 years ago
8.  if a tumour were to destroy a part of the frontal lobe of the cerebrum most likely there would be a change in A. vision B. personality C. hearing D. reflex action

If damaged may cause personality disorders, loss of senses, or trouble with thinking and learning.
5 years ago
9.  if an injured person’s heart and respiration rates varied unexpectedly one might suspect damage to the A.  cerebrum B. cerebellum C. spinal cord D. medulla oblongata

5 years ago
10.  an impulse in a motor neuron is expected to travel from  A. Receptor to the spinal cord b. effector to the spinal cord C.  spinal cord to the brain D.  spinal cord to the muscle

5 years ago
11.  A person under the increasing influence of alcohol loses, first, the ability to speak clearly, second, the ability to walk a straight line, and third, the ability to breathe normally.  from the above evidence, in what order does alcohol affect the major divisions of the brain? A.  cerebrum, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata B.  Medulla oblongata, cerebellum, and cerebrum C.  Medulla oblongata, cerebrum, and cerebellum D.  cerebrum, Medulla oblongata, and cerebellum

5 years ago
12.  when a person suffers an injury to the cerebellum, one affect on the body is the loss of A. coordination B. memory C. breathing regulation D. sensory perception


Damage to the cerebellum can lead to: 1) loss of coordination of motor movement (asynergia), 2) the inability to judge distance and when to stop (dysmetria), 3) the inability to perform rapid alternating movements (adiadochokinesia), 4) movement tremors (intention tremor), 5) staggering, wide based walking
5 years ago
13.  The parasympathetic nerve (vagus nerve)conducts impulses to the heart. If this nerve is severed, a likely result will be A.  increased heart rate B.  A decrease in arteriolar resistance C.  A slower pulse rate D.  lower blood pressure

over stimulation to vagus nerve cause drop in BP
5 years ago
14.  returning involuntary body functions to normal after period of stress is the function of which division of the nervous system? A.  parasympathetic B. somatic C. sympathetic D. central

5 years ago
15.  some symptoms of Parkinson’s disease are slurred speech and impaired muscle function or lack of muscle coordination. These conditions are caused by a lack of the excitatory neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. The releasing sites in the receptor sites for the neurotransmitter dopamine are, respectively, A.  axon terminals and dendrites B.   axon terminals and myelin C.   cell bodies and dendrites D.   dendrites and Schwann cells

5 years ago
16. A source of Mercury in soil and water can be human activities such as burning hospital waste and the burning of coal for energy. Mercury poisoning causes severe damage the nervous system, which leads to the deterioration of memory and an inability to coordinate muscle movements. The areas of the brain affected by mercury poisoning as indicated by the above symptoms are, respectively,  Mercury poisoning causes severe damage the nervous system, which leads to the deterioration of memory and an inability to coordinate muscle movements. The areas of the brain affected by mercury poisoning as indicated by the above symptoms are, respectively, A.  cerebrum, and cerebellum B.   cerebellum and cerebrum C.  cerebrum and medulla oblongata D.  hypothalamus and cerebellum

cerebrum and cerebellum
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