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rizumidancer rizumidancer
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4 years ago
After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow.

As fungi play important roles in ecosystem processes as decomposers and symbiont partners, scientists are interested in understanding how global climate change may affect fungal diversity. In 2007-2008, scientists visited the maritime Antarctic, an area of the Southern Hemisphere that is noted to be warming the fastest, to conduct a survey of fungal diversity along a climatic gradient (the most prevalent weather conditions of a region along an incline). Twenty-nine soil samples were taken along the gradient. Fungal diversity was measured in operational taxonomic units (OTUs); one OTU = one cluster, or group, of organisms. Here is a portion of the data collected:

Source: Newsham, K. K., Hopkins, D. W., Carvalhais, L. C., Fretwell, P. T., Rushton, S. P., O'Donnell, A. G., & Dennis, P. G. (n.d.). Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Nature Climate Change, 6, 182-186.

Each dot on the figure represents a soil sample. Which of the following is an accurate conclusion about the data presented?

▸ Soil fungal diversity is unrelated to temperature.

▸ Soil fungal diversity is greatest in warmer climates.

▸ Additional soil samples are needed at lower temperatures to better understand fungal diversity.

▸ Soil fungal diversity is lowest in warmer climates.
Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Campbell Biology: Concepts and Connections

Edition: 8th
Read 231 times
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Posts: 384
4 years ago
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4 years ago
After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow.

As fungi play important roles in ecosystem processes as decomposers and symbiont partners, scientists are interested in understanding how global climate change may affect fungal diversity. In 2007-2008, scientists visited the maritime Antarctic, an area of the Southern Hemisphere that is noted to be warming the fastest, to conduct a survey of fungal diversity along a climatic gradient (the most prevalent weather conditions of a region along an incline). Twenty-nine soil samples were taken along the gradient. Fungal diversity was measured in operational taxonomic units (OTUs); one OTU = one cluster, or group, of organisms. Here is a portion of the data collected:

Source: Newsham, K. K., Hopkins, D. W., Carvalhais, L. C., Fretwell, P. T., Rushton, S. P., O'Donnell, A. G., & Dennis, P. G. (n.d.). Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Nature Climate Change, 6, 182-186.

Usable (liquid) water sources in the maritime Antarctic are directly related to air temperatures: the warmer the temperature, the more water becomes available for use by plants, fungi, and other living species. How would you predict this phenomenon would influence fungal biodiversity?

▸ Increased usable water sources would promote increased means for fungi to grow and disperse.

▸ Increased usable water sources would drown fungal and plant species.

▸ Increased usable water sources would freeze the soil and kill fungal communities.

▸ Increased usable water sources would promote lower metabolic activity in the fungal species.
4 years ago
Increased usable water sources would promote increased means for fungi to grow and disperse.
4 years ago
4 years ago
After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow.

As fungi play important roles in ecosystem processes as decomposers and symbiont partners, scientists are interested in understanding how global climate change may affect fungal diversity. In 2007-2008, scientists visited the maritime Antarctic, an area of the Southern Hemisphere that is noted to be warming the fastest, to conduct a survey of fungal diversity along a climatic gradient (the most prevalent weather conditions of a region along an incline). Twenty-nine soil samples were taken along the gradient. Fungal diversity was measured in operational taxonomic units (OTUs); one OTU = one cluster, or group, of organisms. Here is a portion of the data collected:

Source: Newsham, K. K., Hopkins, D. W., Carvalhais, L. C., Fretwell, P. T., Rushton, S. P., O'Donnell, A. G., & Dennis, P. G. (n.d.). Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Nature Climate Change, 6, 182-186.

In this frigid Antarctic region, there is a thin soil layer that defrosts during the year. However, the rest of the soil in the region, called permafrost, stays frozen. Which of the following characteristics would best help plants to survive in this soil-poor climate?

▸ thin seed coat layers that will break if water from the permafrost becomes available for use

▸ flowers with reduced carpels that allow for development of small ovaries

▸ shallow root systems that can grow in the active layer of soil and avoid the permafrost

▸ evascular tissue system that allows for faster transport of nutrients
4 years ago
shallow root systems that can grow in the active layer of soil and avoid the permafrost
4 years ago
After reading the paragraph below, answer the questions that follow.

As fungi play important roles in ecosystem processes as decomposers and symbiont partners, scientists are interested in understanding how global climate change may affect fungal diversity. In 2007-2008, scientists visited the maritime Antarctic, an area of the Southern Hemisphere that is noted to be warming the fastest, to conduct a survey of fungal diversity along a climatic gradient (the most prevalent weather conditions of a region along an incline). Twenty-nine soil samples were taken along the gradient. Fungal diversity was measured in operational taxonomic units (OTUs); one OTU = one cluster, or group, of organisms. Here is a portion of the data collected:

Source: Newsham, K. K., Hopkins, D. W., Carvalhais, L. C., Fretwell, P. T., Rushton, S. P., O'Donnell, A. G., & Dennis, P. G. (n.d.). Relationship between soil fungal diversity and temperature in the maritime Antarctic. Nature Climate Change, 6, 182-186.

Usable (liquid) water sources in the maritime Antarctic are directly related to air temperatures. Suppose scientists observe climate cooling in the maritime Antarctic over a 10-year period. At the end of the 10 years, scientists revisit the same site to study effects of climate cooling. Considering temperature and water stress tolerance of these organisms, which would be most likely to continue surviving?

▸ lichens

▸ ferns

▸ angiosperms

▸ conifers
4 years ago
4 years ago
Exactly what I needed for my project, TYSM
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