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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
Rep: 2 0
4 years ago
If poorly drained soils encourage the growth of bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrogen, the effect on higher plants will be to
(A) increase lipid production
(B) decrease protein production
(C) increase carbohydrate production
(D) produce unusually large fruits
(E) stimulate chlorophyll production

A patient is placed on a restricted diet of water, pure cooked starch, olive oil, adequate minerals, and vitamins. If a urinalysis several weeks later reveals the presence of relatively normal amounts of urea, the urea probably came from the
(A) food eaten during the restricted diet
(B) withdrawal of reserve urea stored in the liver
(C) chemical combination of water, carbon dioxide, and free nitrogen
(D) deamination of cellular proteins
(E) urea synthesized by kidney tubule cells

Shown above is the absorption spectrum of a compound of biological importance. If a person with normal human color vision viewed this compound under ordinary white light, what color would it appear to be? (pic41)
(A) Red
(B) Blue
(C) Green
(D) Black
(E) White

The codon for a particular amino acid is 5'CAU3'. The DNA sequence that complements this codon is
(A) 3'CAU5'
(B) 3'GTA5'
(C) 3'GTT5'
(D) 3'GUA5'
(E) 3'GUT5'

Viral DNA would be most likely to contain genes that code for
(A) Regulatory hormones
(B) viral-coat protein
(C) viral-ribosome proteins
(D) glycolytic enzymes
(E) restriction enzymes

Which of the following statements about imprinting is NOT true?
(A) The capacity for imprinting may be limited to a specific and brief period in the early life of the organism.
(B) The behavior pattern associated with imprinting is the result of reward or punishment.
(C) The behavior resulting from imprinting is difficult to reverse in later life.
(D) A gosling imprinted by a moving wooden decoy may exhibit courting behavior to the decoy in later life.
(E) Odors and sounds may serve as stimuli for imprinting.

Which of the graphs below illustrates the effect of substrate concentration on the initial rate of reaction when a limited amount of enzyme is present? (pic42)

Which of the following is the final electron acceptor in the mitochondrial electron transport system?
(A) ADP + Pi
(C) NAD or FAD
(D) Pyruvate
(E) O2

In a eukaryotic cell, glycolysis occurs in which of the following parts of the cell?
(A) Chloroplast
(B) Cytosol
(C) Nucleolus
(D) Mitochondrion
(E) Ribosome

The clotting process in blood is initiated by
(A) erythrocytes
(B) lymphocytes
(C) hemoglobins
(D) platelets
(E) neutrophils

Which of the following membranes is correctly matched to its function?
(A) Allantois .. food absorption
(B) Yolk sac .. embryonic bladder
(C) Amnion .. gas exchange
(D) Dura mater .. brain protection
(E) Peritoneum .. heart protection

Which of the following statements best describes the movement of energy in an ecosystem?
(A) Radiant energy is converted into chemical energy in plant photosynthesis and then released as heat energy during cellular respiration.
(B) Energy cycles within an ecosystem.
(C) Plants get energy from the nutrients in the soil.
(D) The animals in an ecosystem absorb the radiant energy of the Sun and use it to make organic molecules such as proteins.
(E) Some chemoautotrophic bacteria release energy that can then be used by soil animals to make food.

Which of the following elements is correctly linked to its role in a living organism?
(A) Calcium .. component of proteins
(B) Carbon .. component of lipids
(C) Magnesium .. neuron action potential
(D) Potassium .. component of ATP
(E) Zinc .. component of carbohydrates

Mistletoe is attached to the branches of trees such as sweet gum, from which it obtains water and some nutrients. Due to this association, tree growth may be diminished. Which of the following terms describes the relationship between the two plants?
(A) Commensalism
(B) Competition
(C) Mutualism
(D) Parasitism
(E) Predation

AMP is which type of molecule?
(A) A nucleotide
(B) A peptide
(C) A phospholipid
(D) A disaccharide
(E) A tripeptide

Which of the following is generally true about bacterial viruses?
(A) They infect animal cells only.
(B) They have a protective capsid made of chitin.
(C) They inject their nucleic acids into the cells that they infect.
(D) They produce haploid gametes in meiosis.
(E) They carry out glycolysis but not the Krebs (citric acid) cycle.

A typical photosynthetic eukaryotic cell contains which of the following?
I. Ribosomes
II. Chloroplasts
III. Mitochondria
(A) II only
(B) I and II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

Which of the following pairs of organisms are most closely related?
(A) Mus bufo and Bufo americanus
(B) Lynx lynx and Alces alces
(C) Panthera leo and Felis concolor
(D) Odocoileus virginianus and Colinus virginianus
(E) Canis latrans and Canis lupus

Which of the following is an example of a testcross?
(A) AA x Aa
(B) A?x AA
(C) A?x Aa
(D) A?x aa
(E) aa x aa

The process by which a zygote is formed is known as
(A) Fertilization
(B) Meiosis
(C) Mitosis
(D) Pollination
(E) Nondisjunction

The process by which the nuclei of somatic(body) cells divide is known as
(A) Fertilization
(B) Meiosis
(C) Mitosis
(D) Pollination
(E) Nondisjunction

The process by which haploid cells are formed from diploid cells is known as
(A) Fertilization
(B) Meiosis
(C) Mitosis
(D) Pollination
(E) Nondisjunction

Birds are most closely related to which class?
(A) Amphibians
(B) Bony fish
(C) Cartilaginous fish
(D) Mammals
(E) Reptiles

Which class includes animals that have a moist skin as the primary organ for gas exchange in the adults?
(A) Amphibians
(B) Bony fish
(C) Cartilaginous fish
(D) Mammals
(E) Reptiles

Which class includes whales?
(A) Amphibians
(B) Bony fish
(C) Cartilaginous fish
(D) Mammals
(E) Reptiles

Members of which class produce milk for their young in specialized skin glands?
(A) Amphibians
(B) Bony fish
(C) Cartilaginous fish
(D) Mammals
(E) Reptiles

Which class includes snakes?
(A) Amphibians
(B) Bony fish
(C) Cartilaginous fish
(D) Mammals
(E) Reptiles

The most probable explanation for the relative masses of the first- and second-order consumers is that (pic43)
(A) each link in the food chain of an ecosystem has less available energy than the previous link has
(B) only a small fraction of sunlight that reaches the Earth is transformed into chemical energy by photosynthesis
(C) the total energy of the decomposers is greater than that of the rest of the organisms put together
(D) seasonal fluctuations in weather limit the number of consumers
(E) second-order consumers require more total energy than first-order consumers do

The energy incorporated into this ecosystem is most dependent on the (pic44)
(A) photoperiod
(B) total amount of photosynthesis
(C) predator-prey relationships
(D) length of the food chains
(E) total amount of respiration

If the lake is assumed to be a typical ecosystem, the percent of radiant energy from the Sun reaching the lake that is trapped in photosynthesis is about (pic45)
(A) 100%
(B) 10%
(C) 1%
(D) 0.1%
(E) 0.01%

With respect to body color, the male parent of the 112 offspring was most probably(pic46)
(A) homozygous gray
(B) heterozygous gray
(C) homozygous black
(D) heterozygous black
(E) hemizygous gray

Examination revealed that all of the 56 red-eyed offspring were females and all of the 56 white-eyed offspring were males. This observation indicates that (pic47)
(A) red and white eye colors segregate independently of sex
(B) all of the red-eyed offspring inherited their eye color from their female parent
(C) all of the red-eyed offspring were homozygous
(D) the gene for eye color is linked to the gene for body color
(E) the gene for red or for white eye color is carried on the X chromosome

In this experiment, the number of offspring that exhibit both recessive characters is (pic48)
(A) 1
(B) 27
(C) 28
(D) 55
(E) 56

Carbon dioxide is produced by which of the following?
I. A mesophyll cell in a flowering plant during the night
II. A muscle cell in a mammalian heart during contraction
III. A yeast cell growing under anaerobic conditions
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

Which of the following is a function of ATP?
(A) It creates energy.
(B) It transports energy.
(C) It is a building block of proteins.
(D) It stores amino acids.
(E) It gives the cells shape.

Protein synthesis is the main function of which of the following structures?
(A) Nucleus
(B) Ribosome
(C) Chromosome
(D) Mitochondrion
(E) Vacuole

The terms “EcoRI,” “HaeIII,” and “HindIII” refer to which of the following?(pic49)
(A) The voltage intensity used to prepare the electrophoresis medium
(B) The restriction enzymes used
(C) The organisms from which the original DNA sample was obtained
(D) The types of buffers used to maintain a constant pH in the preparation as the sample was processed
(E) The types of proteins encoded by each fragment

The patterns of bands in the different lanes result from which of the following? (pic50)
(A) Different voltages applied to different lanes
(B) Different buffers applied to different lanes
(C) Different sizes of fragments in the samples in different lanes
(D) Different terminal configurations of the fragments, with some having blunt ends while others have sticky ends
(E) Mutations produced by the electrophoresis

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Staff Member
4 years ago
If poorly drained soils encourage the growth of bacteria that convert nitrate to nitrogen, the effect on higher plants will be to

(B) decrease protein production

A patient is placed on a restricted diet of water, pure cooked starch, olive oil, adequate minerals, and vitamins. If a urinalysis several weeks later reveals the presence of relatively normal amounts of urea, the urea probably came from the

(D) deamination of cellular proteins

Shown above is the absorption spectrum of a compound of biological importance. If a person with normal human color vision viewed this compound under ordinary white light, what color would it appear to be? (pic41)

(C) Green

The codon for a particular amino acid is 5'CAU3'. The DNA sequence that complements this codon is

(B) 3'GTA5'

Viral DNA would be most likely to contain genes that code for

(B) viral-coat protein

Which of the following statements about imprinting is NOT true?

(B) The behavior pattern associated with imprinting is the result of reward or punishment.

Which of the graphs below illustrates the effect of substrate concentration on the initial rate of reaction when a limited amount of enzyme is present? (pic42)

Which of the following is the final electron acceptor in the mitochondrial electron transport system?

(E) O2

In a eukaryotic cell, glycolysis occurs in which of the following parts of the cell?

(B) Cytosol

The clotting process in blood is initiated by

(D) platelets

Which of the following membranes is correctly matched to its function?
(D) Dura mater .. brain protection

Which of the following statements best describes the movement of energy in an ecosystem?
(A) Radiant energy is converted into chemical energy in plant photosynthesis and then released as heat energy during cellular respiration.

Which of the following elements is correctly linked to its role in a living organism?

(B) Carbon .. component of lipids

Mistletoe is attached to the branches of trees such as sweet gum, from which it obtains water and some nutrients. Due to this association, tree growth may be diminished. Which of the following terms describes the relationship between the two plants?

(D) Parasitism

AMP is which type of molecule?
(A) A nucleotide

Which of the following is generally true about bacterial viruses?

(C) They inject their nucleic acids into the cells that they infect.

A typical photosynthetic eukaryotic cell contains which of the following?
I. Ribosomes
II. Chloroplasts
III. Mitochondria

(E) I, II, and III

Which of the following pairs of organisms are most closely related?

(E) Canis latrans and Canis lupus

Which of the following is an example of a testcross?

(D) A?x aa

The process by which a zygote is formed is known as
(A) Fertilization

The process by which the nuclei of somatic(body) cells divide is known as

(C) Mitosis

The process by which haploid cells are formed from diploid cells is known as

(B) Meiosis

Birds are most closely related to which class?

(E) Reptiles

Which class includes animals that have a moist skin as the primary organ for gas exchange in the adults?
(A) Amphibians

Which class includes whales?

(C) Cartilaginous fish
(D) Mammals

Members of which class produce milk for their young in specialized skin glands?

(D) Mammals

Which class includes snakes?

(E) Reptiles

The most probable explanation for the relative masses of the first- and second-order consumers is that (pic43)
(A) each link in the food chain of an ecosystem has less available energy than the previous link has
(B) only a small fraction of sunlight that reaches the Earth is transformed into chemical energy by photosynthesis
(C) the total energy of the decomposers is greater than that of the rest of the organisms put together
(D) seasonal fluctuations in weather limit the number of consumers
(E) second-order consumers require more total energy than first-order consumers do

The energy incorporated into this ecosystem is most dependent on the (pic44)
(A) photoperiod
(B) total amount of photosynthesis
(C) predator-prey relationships
(D) length of the food chains
(E) total amount of respiration

If the lake is assumed to be a typical ecosystem, the percent of radiant energy from the Sun reaching the lake that is trapped in photosynthesis is about (pic45)
(A) 100%
(B) 10%
(C) 1%
(D) 0.1%
(E) 0.01%

With respect to body color, the male parent of the 112 offspring was most probably(pic46)
(A) homozygous gray
(B) heterozygous gray
(C) homozygous black
(D) heterozygous black
(E) hemizygous gray

Examination revealed that all of the 56 red-eyed offspring were females and all of the 56 white-eyed offspring were males. This observation indicates that (pic47)
(A) red and white eye colors segregate independently of sex
(B) all of the red-eyed offspring inherited their eye color from their female parent
(C) all of the red-eyed offspring were homozygous
(D) the gene for eye color is linked to the gene for body color
(E) the gene for red or for white eye color is carried on the X chromosome

In this experiment, the number of offspring that exhibit both recessive characters is (pic48)
(A) 1
(B) 27
(C) 28
(D) 55
(E) 56

Carbon dioxide is produced by which of the following?
I. A mesophyll cell in a flowering plant during the night
II. A muscle cell in a mammalian heart during contraction
III. A yeast cell growing under anaerobic conditions

(E) I, II, and III

Which of the following is a function of ATP?

(B) It transports energy.

Protein synthesis is the main function of which of the following structures?

(B) Ribosome

The terms “EcoRI,” “HaeIII,” and “HindIII” refer to which of the following?(pic49)
(A) The voltage intensity used to prepare the electrophoresis medium
(B) The restriction enzymes used
(C) The organisms from which the original DNA sample was obtained
(D) The types of buffers used to maintain a constant pH in the preparation as the sample was processed
(E) The types of proteins encoded by each fragment

The patterns of bands in the different lanes result from which of the following? (pic50)
(A) Different voltages applied to different lanes
(B) Different buffers applied to different lanes
(C) Different sizes of fragments in the samples in different lanes
(D) Different terminal configurations of the fragments, with some having blunt ends while others have sticky ends
(E) Mutations produced by the electrophoresis
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