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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
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4 years ago
Based on the information in the table, which of the following substitutions is synonymous?(pic75)
(A) AGU to AGA
(B) GUU to GCU
(C) UUG to CUG
(D) UGA to GGA
(E) CAA to CCA

Excess sewage can lead to the death of aquatic animals in a lake because sewage pollution promotes
(A) mineral starvation
(B) erosion
(C) thermal stratification
(D) oxygen depletion
(E) a temperature decrease

The aerobic cellular respiration of glucose is different from the simple burning of glucose in that the aerobic respiration of glucose
(A) releases no heat
(B) requires no oxygen
(C) releases more energy
(D) releases hydrocarbons
(E) occurs at a lower temperature

A given trait occurs in two alternative types, M and m, in a population at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. If 49 percent of the population has only type M alleles, what percentage of the population is expected to be heterozygous for the trait?
(A) 9%
(B) 14%
(C) 21%
(D) 42%
(E) 51%

The forelimbs of horses and frogs are considered to be homologous structures. The best evidence for this homology is that the forelimbs have
(A) a similar appearance in both species
(B) a similar function in both species
(C) a common embryological origin
(D) the same chemical composition
(E) the same number of bones

Which of the following types of plant cells is dead at functional maturity?
(A) Phloem companion cell
(B) Xylem vessel element
(C) Root endodermal cell
(D) Stem cortex cell
(E) Mesophyll cell

In a particular plant species, the allele for tall plants is dominant and the allele for dwarfing is recessive. Which of the following is the expected phenotypic ratio of the offspring from a cross between a heterozygous plant and a dwarf plant?
(A) 1 tall plant : 3 dwarf plants
(B) 1 tall plant : 9 dwarf plants
(C) 1 tall plant : 1 dwarf plant
(D) 3 tall plants : 1 dwarf plant
(E) 9 tall plants : 3 dwarf plants

Which of the following best describes the decomposers in an ecological community?
(A) They are the top predators.
(B) They do not occur in early successional stages.
(C) They are the main contributors to the gross primary productivity.
(D) They fix carbon for plant respiration.
(E) They are heterotrophic.

The nearly universal nature of the genetic code supports the view that
(A) all living organisms on Earth share a common ancestor
(B) nucleic acids were the first living things
(C) proteins are of secondary importance to living systems
(D) the protein composition of all living organisms is the same
(E) there is redundancy in the genetic code

Individual I most likely has the same genotype for the condition as (pic76)
(A) her father
(B) her grandfather
(C) Individual III
(D) Individual IV
(E) Individual V

If the parents of Individuals I, II, and III have a second daughter, what is the probability that the daughter will exhibit the condition?
(A) 0%
(B) 25%
(C) 33%
(D) 50%
(E) 100%

A katydid is an insect. Its leaf-like appearance is an example of
(A) cryptic coloration
(B) aposematic coloration
(C) Müllerian mimicry
(D) agonistic behavior
(E) Batesian mimicry

A population of mice in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium will exhibit which of the following conditions?
(A) Random mating
(B) Small population size
(C) High mutation rate
(D) Immigration
(E) Sexual selection

Which of the following biomes typically has the greatest annual precipitation?
(A) Temperate deciduous forest
(B) Taiga
(C) Savanna
(D) Tropical rain forest
(E) Prairie

Which part of a flower develops into fruit?
(A) Sepal
(B) Stigma
(C) Anther
(D) Ovary
(E) Filament

In a particular mammal, the egg has a haploid number of 8. How many chromosomes are in the somatic cells of that organism?
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 16
(E) 32

A new organism is found with the following characteristics:
• A terrestrial lifestyle
• A segmented exoskeleton
• Wings
The new organism is most likely a member of which of the following phyla?
(A) Cnidaria
(B) Porifera
(C) Chordata
(D) Arthropoda
(E) Echinodermata

Plants that live in the tundra are likely to have which of the following adaptations?
(A) Tall, single shoots
(B) Broad, light-colored leaves
(C) Cones that are fire adapted
(D) An association with epiphytes
(E) Shallow root systems

When a protein is heated, which of the following will most likely be disrupted?
(A) The amino acid sequence
(B) The tertiary structure
(C) The carbon backbone
(D) The carboxyl groups
(E) The peptide bonds

In some horses, the coat is a mixture of red and white hairs, called roan. Roan horses have one white-haired parent and one red-haired parent.
This exhibits which of the following inheritance patterns?
(A) X-linked recessive
(B) Lateral transmission
(C) Codominance
(D) Hybrid vigor
(E) Autosomal recessive

A population of crayfish exhibits wide variation in body size, which is a heritable trait. A species of fish that preys on crayfish has been introduced to the population, but the fish can only eat small crayfish. Which of the following is a likely prediction about the population of crayfish in the presence of the predator?
(A) The crayfish will evolve new antipredator behaviors.
(B) The crayfish diet will shift to avoid competition with the fish.
(C) The population will have a smaller average body size owing to stabilizing selection.
(D) The population will have a larger average body size owing to directional selection.
(E) The population will experience disruptive selection, resulting in two distinct size classes of crayfish.

All of the following substances are potentially major sources of energy for the human body EXCEPT
(A) starches
(B) sugars
(C) vitamins
(D) proteins
(E) fats

Which of the following are producers in an aquatic food chain?
(A) Crustaceans
(B) Algae
(C) Insects
(D) Fungi
(E) Trout

Which of the following gives the correct sequence of events in the synthesis of a protein molecule?
(A) DNA, tRNA, formation of polypeptide, mRNA
(B) Formation of polypeptide, tRNA, mRNA, DNA
(C) tRNA, mRNA, DNA, formation of polypeptide
(D) DNA, mRNA, tRNA, formation of polypeptide
(E) mRNA, formation of polypeptide, DNA, tRNA

A species of malaria-carrying mosquito lives in a forest in which two species of monkeys, A and B, coexist. Species A is immune to malaria, but species B is not. The malaria-carrying mosquito is the chief food for a particular kind of bird in the forest. If all of these birds are eliminated suddenly, which of the following would be the immediate observable consequence?
(A) Increased mortality in monkey species A
(B) Increased mortality in monkey species B
(C) Increased mortality in the malaria-carrying mosquitoes
(D) Emergence of malaria-resistant strains in monkey species B
(E) Emergence of malaria-sensitive strains in monkey species A

Evolution in action is seen in the case of the English peppered moth (Biston betularia). The proportion of melanic forms in the population, once increasing in areas of heavy soot pollution, is now decreasing. The most probable explanation of this is which of the following?
(A) Differential predation fluctuates randomly.
(B) The birds that ate the dark forms have been killed off by the pollution.
(C) Mutation and back mutation rates have changed.
(D) Selection pressure has been reversed because of environmental quality control.
(E) Lepidopterists have collected a disproportionate number of melanic forms.

A mouse fibroblast cell divides approximately every (pic78)
(A) 1 hour
(B) 9 hours
(C) 10 hours
(D) 19 hours
(E) 22 hours

DNA is synthesized during(pic79)
(A) stage I
(B) stage II
(C) stage III
(D) stage IV
(E) none of the stages above

The daughter cells separate during (pic80)
(A) stage I
(B) stage II
(C) stage III
(D) stage IV
(E) none of the stages above

How does the amount of DNA present during stage I compare with the amount present during stage III ? (pic81)
(A) It is equal to that present during stage III.
(B) It is half as much as that present during stage III.
(C) It is twice as much as that present during stage III.
(D) It is three times as much as that present during stage III.
(E) It is four times as much as that present during stage III.
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Read 206 times
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4 years ago
How does the amount of DNA present during stage I compare with the amount present during stage III ? (pic81) (A) It is equal to that present during stage III. (B) It is half as much as that present during stage III. (C) It is twice as much as that present during stage III. (D) It is three times as much as that present during stage III. (E) It is four times as much as that present during stage III.


The daughter cells separate during (pic80) (A) stage I (B) stage II (C) stage III (D) stage IV (E) none of the stages above


I answered these yesterday
4 years ago
Evolution in action is seen in the case of the English peppered moth (Biston betularia). The proportion of melanic forms in the population, once increasing in areas of heavy soot pollution, is now decreasing. The most probable explanation of this is which of the following? (A) Differential predation fluctuates randomly. (B) The birds that ate the dark forms have been killed off by the pollution. (C) Mutation and back mutation rates have changed. (D) Selection pressure has been reversed because of environmental quality control. (E) Lepidopterists have collected a disproportionate number of melanic forms.

4 years ago
Excess sewage can lead to the death of aquatic animals in a lake because sewage pollution promotes (A) mineral starvation (B) erosion (C) thermal stratification (D) oxygen depletion (E) a temperature decrease


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