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madeline4 madeline4
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3 years ago


Jesse was playing with marbles when one of the marbles fell into a heating vent in the floor. Jesse could see the marble, but he couldn't reach it because the slats of the vent were too close together for his hand, and he couldn't remove the lid. Jesse said, rather sarcastically to himself, "Well, that's just fabulous." He looked around the room for something that he could use to retrieve the marble. When he saw his juice glass with the straw in it, he got an idea. He took the straw, carefully lowered it into the vent until it touched the marble. Then he sucked on the straw so that it "grabbed" the marble as he gently raised it back up into his waiting hand. Quite pleased with himself, and a little dizzy, Jesse went back to playing marbles.

What was Jesse demonstrating when he used sarcasm?

metalinguistic awareness

telegraphic speech


fast mapping
Psychology: Themes and Variations

Psychology: Themes and Variations

Edition: 5th
Read 49 times
9 Replies
Answer verified by a subject expert
3 years ago
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3 years ago


Jesse was playing with marbles when one of the marbles fell into a heating vent in the floor. Jesse could see the marble, but he couldn't reach it because the slats of the vent were too close together for his hand, and he couldn't remove the lid. Jesse said, rather sarcastically to himself, "Well, that's just fabulous." He looked around the room for something that he could use to retrieve the marble. When he saw his juice glass with the straw in it, he got an idea. He took the straw, carefully lowered it into the vent until it touched the marble. Then he sucked on the straw so that it "grabbed" the marble as he gently raised it back up into his waiting hand. Quite pleased with himself, and a little dizzy, Jesse went back to playing marbles.

What age would you expect Jesse to be, based on his use of sarcasm?

3 years

6 years

9 years

12 years
3 years ago
6 years
3 years ago


Jesse was playing with marbles when one of the marbles fell into a heating vent in the floor. Jesse could see the marble, but he couldn't reach it because the slats of the vent were too close together for his hand, and he couldn't remove the lid. Jesse said, rather sarcastically to himself, "Well, that's just fabulous." He looked around the room for something that he could use to retrieve the marble. When he saw his juice glass with the straw in it, he got an idea. He took the straw, carefully lowered it into the vent until it touched the marble. Then he sucked on the straw so that it "grabbed" the marble as he gently raised it back up into his waiting hand. Quite pleased with himself, and a little dizzy, Jesse went back to playing marbles.

Which sort of basic problem does Jesse have to solve when he is confronted with a marble that he can't reach?

problem of arrangement

problem of transformation

an algorithmic problem

problem of inducing structure
3 years ago
problem of arrangement
3 years ago


Jesse was playing with marbles when one of the marbles fell into a heating vent in the floor. Jesse could see the marble, but he couldn't reach it because the slats of the vent were too close together for his hand, and he couldn't remove the lid. Jesse said, rather sarcastically to himself, "Well, that's just fabulous." He looked around the room for something that he could use to retrieve the marble. When he saw his juice glass with the straw in it, he got an idea. He took the straw, carefully lowered it into the vent until it touched the marble. Then he sucked on the straw so that it "grabbed" the marble as he gently raised it back up into his waiting hand. Quite pleased with himself, and a little dizzy, Jesse went back to playing marbles.

As Jesse was attempting to solve the problem, he got an idea when he saw the straw in the juice glass. What is the term that is used for recognizing a solution to a problem in this way?

field dependence


mental set

3 years ago
3 years ago


Jesse was playing with marbles when one of the marbles fell into a heating vent in the floor. Jesse could see the marble, but he couldn't reach it because the slats of the vent were too close together for his hand, and he couldn't remove the lid. Jesse said, rather sarcastically to himself, "Well, that's just fabulous." He looked around the room for something that he could use to retrieve the marble. When he saw his juice glass with the straw in it, he got an idea. He took the straw, carefully lowered it into the vent until it touched the marble. Then he sucked on the straw so that it "grabbed" the marble as he gently raised it back up into his waiting hand. Quite pleased with himself, and a little dizzy, Jesse went back to playing marbles.

What did it illustrate when Jesse recognized that the straw could be used for something other than drinking juice?

using an algorithm

overcoming functional fixedness

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using a trial-and-error approach
3 years ago
overcoming functional fixedness
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