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oemBiology oemBiology
Posts: 1263
3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, oemBiology
My friend gets brain stroke in this afternoon, I would like to know on any general guideline for Brain Stroke "To do lists" and Don't do lists", she stays in hospital and wait for main doctor tomorrow, which is over 8 hours already at this moment.

Is she safe to drink water under this situation?

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
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3 years ago
Drink a lot of watering, and most importantly follow the physicians advice. This requires precision care, because this is a life altering moment in his life.

Good luck
oemBiology Author
3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, oemBiology
She went into hospital around 4 pm today, general doctor already check her status, and wait for main doctor tomorrow.

Question 1 : after brain stroke in hospital, can her digestion system still function properly? in order to ensure water going into stomach instead of lung.

Question 2 : For diluting blood, would general doctor must give aspirin to patient without any request? since my friend does not know on what to ask and how to handle this situation.

Furthermore, is there any guideline for family on handling brain stroke patient?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)
3 years ago
She went into hospital around 4 pm today, general doctor already check her status, and wait for main doctor tomorrow.

Question : after brain stroke in hospital, can her digestion system still function properly? in order to ensure water going into stomach instead of lung.

Furthermore, is there any guideline for family on handling brain stroke patient?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)

Digestion is involuntary, it'll function regardless. Hopefully the clot will dissolve on its own, and she'll recover faster than anticipated. Slightly Frowning Face

What you're likely to see is a lose in function, whether it be speech, voluntary movement, trouble walking, or slurred speech. This really depends where it occurred in the brain, and that'll be determined through an MRI.

She'll require special attention moving forward, and the way the family ought to handle her depends on her needs. We won't know that until the prognosis tomorrow.
oemBiology Author
3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, oemBiology
Based on my friend's description, half of body cannot move, brain stroke is around the top of head in general.  It is ensure that patient cannot go washroom and drink water by herself, correct? In general, can nurse provide enough support for above basic needs?

I remind my friend to pay extra attention on patient's support, such as remind nurse or family stay in hospital to support patient's basic need.

Question 1 : what kind of questions should be asked main doctor tomorrow? so I remind my friend those issues

Question 2 : For diluting blood, would general doctor must give aspirin to patient without any request? since my friend does not know on what to ask and how to handle this situation.

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions (^v^)

Post Merge: 3 years ago

3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, bio_man
Sorry for the late...

In general, can nurse provide enough support for above basic needs?

Yes, a trained nurse should be able to help.

Question 1 : what kind of questions should be asked main doctor tomorrow? so I remind my friend those issues

  • What is the possibility for recovery?
  • What is the likely cause for the stroke?
  • What physical therapy would be helpful?
  • What can I do to reduce my risk of subsequent strokes?

Question 2 : For diluting blood, would general doctor must give aspirin to patient without any request? since my friend does not know on what to ask and how to handle this situation.

Aspirin works by thinning the blood, so it helps those with heart attacks and stroke. The doctor should make note of this.
oemBiology Author
3 years ago
You are life-saver

I am deeply appreciated for all your help

Thank you very much for suggestions (^v^)
3 years ago
oemBiology, Could you give us an update on your friend?

Has are her condition improved since the last time you posted?
oemBiology Author
3 years ago
For brain stroke, it affects her one side of body movement and some part of eye nervous system.  Since she goes to hospital quickly, she receives training exercise to build new nervous system, that might take 6 months.

Thank you very much for suggestions (^v^)
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