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Anitcol Anitcol
Posts: 7
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13 years ago
Hello everyone, I'm new to the Biology forum! I haven't taken any Anatomy or Physiology yet, but I will soon have too. From what I heard, they both are very demanding classes. My goal is to learn most of Anatomy and Physiology before I even take the classes. The reason why I want to learn it beforehand is because sometimes I am slow on learning and don't get the "grasp" of it. With this said, I was curious if their is any great books, and programs that you may suggest.

Currently, my girlfriend let me borrow her- 5th edition Human Anatomy by Marieb Wallatt Wilhelm and - 3rd edition Fundamentals of Physiology, a Human Perspective by Lauralee Sherwood.

Any help would be appreciated!
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13 years ago
I study a really great book on Physiology: Guyton and Hall Text book of Medical Physiology 2011. Check it out. I really enjoy studying it! Slight Smile (Though editions from 2006 onwards dont vary much)

Hope this helps
13 years ago
My goal is to learn most of Anatomy and Physiology before I even take the classes.

Wow, that's incredible. First, take an introductory course (i.e. introduction to physiology) and then when you're ready, take the more advanced course (i.e. Physiology and regulatory systems). The latter course really gets into the physiology of all organisms and it will definitely prepare you. If you would like, I could upload some PowerPoints in which you can later download - but this is at your request.
Anitcol Author
13 years ago
The school I go to only have 1 human anatomy, and 1 physiology. All the human anatomy that they can fit into one course is stuffed in the class; same goes for the physiology. Most students actually either take Anatomy on its own, or with a very simple course.

I'm a 21yo male who wants to go into nursing, I will take any upper hand I can get to get me their. Power points would be fantastic.

Some of you might think, do I have nothing better to do but study for a class I'm not enrolled in? The answer to that is I screwed myself in elementry, middle and high school by not taking courses that challenged me but, down graded myself to just "pass" at lower classes. To express how much I screwed myself in school, Up until 2 months ago I did not know how to write constructive paragraphs never mind essays. I also never took geometry, Algebra 2, or Biology.
13 years ago
Its never too late to start! I hope you get what you want to be. Slight Smile
13 years ago
Some of you might think, do I have nothing better to do but study for a class I'm not enrolled in? The answer to that is I screwed myself in elementry, middle and high school by not taking courses that challenged me but, down graded myself to just "pass" at lower classes. To express how much I screwed myself in school, Up until 2 months ago I did not know how to write constructive paragraphs never mind essays. I also never took geometry, Algebra 2, or Biology.

I will definitely upload them to the notes section of the forum, and as a teacher, I know that note all students are the same. We are not molded out of the same cookie cutter so every learns at different paces. By the way, geometry and Algebra are not as important as you think they are when relating to biology Wink Face
13 years ago
I added a couple in that section, here take a look:

Anitcol Author
13 years ago
thank you very much Slight Smile you guys are awesome
13 years ago
human physiology by silverthorn Slight Smile
13 years ago
13 years ago

You're welcome!
13 years ago
Human Anatomy & Physiology 8th edition by Marieb has been very helpful.  I just started an A &P II class and this book is easy to understand IMO.  I also like to use the University of Michigan's medical sites for reference for things like surface anatomy.
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