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10 months ago
You assume how I imply that "they" could easily manipulate the voting, altho I've earlier pointed that there are ways how this to be prevented by 3fa authentication!, and so would not repeat myself I've just said Dont Be Afraid from corrupt political cancer coz it can be chopped or fried out by eTOS vibe ...

It's not about the authentication technology that I'm concerned about, it's more about how many of those votes are legitimate, and how many end up not getting registered or counted.

Now, let's assume expert debate is conducted. How do you ensure the average Joe will care to listen to both sides of the argument? Old people, for example, are usually set in their ways, and don't care to listen through all the bullshit, as most of them know none of it matters -- that is, they have the mentality that they've lived through it all and don't expect any meaningful changes. Anyway, regardless of how clear the arguments are presented and shown, those in power will always deliberately try confusing their citizens to keep them in a state of confusion, as depicted in the video below.

Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
Through constant thematic debate I am certain as process e-voting can be secured by further means, think I've mentioned multiconfirmatory voting eg. three times a day on the same question, in which case it would be easily seen if hack was executed coz it would be almost impossible or meaningless to be hacked such system and not to be noticed sooner or later, aside that if eReferendums become regular occurrence additionally will be demotivated whatever hacker to control the Direct Participatory Democracy as process!, its simple it wont hurt if its tried, tho if its tried in wrong way could discourage its usefulness, and thats why first it would be needed wide and long public tweaking hopefully on independent ngo eforum ...

Regards eventual psyop or agitprop spins that are currently part of every "western" society, again think if its introduced eTOS vibe probably these issues will more strongly addressed, coz now like this "exposed" on docus or attention grabbing videos could only provoke that attention but not scientific evaluation of some theory, and if we wait the same anytime soon to be addressed by the academia hm yeah we will wait in vain!, so there are no other means but such observations to be tested through constant dedicated expert debate, and I really believe if expert ngo eforums became mandatory reality that eventually we will come to thematic forums like political propaganda and ss'psyop to!, but foremost we need instant focus on economical and social issues thus I have huge expectations that eTOS vibe will be recognized as true chance for intellectual mobilization in every place, in the end from it if neat moderation exist will benefit all, even apolitical or indifferent citizens coz in question would be expert voluntarism (reward for the engaged would be the chance for free promotion of their expertise thus inviting for all in need) while citizens could always have place where to seek answers if are bothered by some issue!, simply closed and choked system by corruption cant be healed otherwise but just through right kind of opening, in essence as independent it is as it will be unbiased diagnosis and prescriptions, so ngo eforums should lead the eTOS way tho it will be reached zenith once they will start to interact with the parties and the system!

... again Citizens dont need to be followers of those eforums, but journalists who inform them whats happening will have far clear perspective for elaboration, while in same those that are concerned by some field could always check the public ngo eforums for verification!, in essence it would be useful young academicians to be part by default of the parallel eforums every in its own field of specialization and to that to be motivated by universities if want to pass a year thus it could be mobilized many to think around thematic problems and like that contributing to the society!, also citizens can have always space to ask for advice there so if not else it will become free tip service which now is misused lucratively by many i.e. for simple advices milking money without guilt!, anyway even for eTOS first its needed some wide debate before its laid mandatory ngo eforum rule so would be stimulated such vibe!, tho from such reform probably will benefit whatever small party that will be not afraid to open by itself own eforums so would mobilize attention and invite independent experts to reevaluate their political platform, or even better shaping it together!

For the mentioned agitprop video as digression think its not so strong counterargument, whats the point to keep silent and let things roll in spinderela mode!?, but we can examine it in another propaganda thread where primary the "western" democracies should be on the pillar coz the russian one is young and dont bears the same weighing as are those that spin how are champions of democracy!, plus Russia dont hide that its still in the vortex of autocracy coz simply after all the past corrupt western infiltration and reshaping of the system it cant afford another way for compactness and effectiveness than stiff rule!, on other hand "west" due to the false claim for democratic stamina needs to be exposed and healed or will end up even in greater authoritarianism simply coz masses will not hesitate to challenge the fake representatives and for that have even tradition of revolutions tho fake one to!, so if eTOS vibe will emerge somewhere for that think the right conditions can be found on "west" but hm is "west" up to that challenge dont know!
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
Maybe most useful occurrence as etool would be if eforums become trend for the academia where I would be glad to see debate eg. about the gaslighted "western" narrative of humanism in context of the inevitable need for democracy to end up in utopian technocracy where for granted will emerge "scientific" dictatorship (read neopagan one) [1][1]

imagine authors defending their books on vlog debates if not eforums!

... eh I would really like to see deconstruction of Jays Analysis about the western enlightened elites their agendas and ideal (check his n'w'o agenda decimation [1][1]) i.e. humanists to oppose his reasoning or defend their fallacies of guided by "reason" path towards utopianism!, but hek we dont have public mainstream debate among themselves what about to welcome opposition for challenge!, tho how among themselves as experts to get factchecked if there are not parallel eforum to any eventual future expert one of theirs where eg. knowledgeable people like JayD would reexpert their knowhow or stamina!?, ah 21st century maybe all waiting first to get borgged down and then after to step out and debate about the side effects!?, hm I do recommend biologists through ethical prism first to get engaged in evaluation of transhumanist trends seen also through sociopolitical prism for what this eforum could serve as good pivot for now, but who how to mobilize attention here!?, hm maybe eventual eU grant will do the job so would be offered some rewards for participation of famous academicians just so would be built up debate hype!?, hm has BiFo any ngo alike ambitions, what would be norm for eU funding eligibility!, altho it could be managed such hype through Patreon alike crowdfunding!

10 months ago
Just watch the last video you post. Thanks for sharing, it brought light to many of the ideas you've shared.

Curious, though... Why would these "evil" elites outline their plans in a book that is accessible to literally anyone that can read? Wouldn't you want to keep your evil plans a secret? Personally, I think these were just ideas not to be taken seriously. I'm certain they were written for the sake of popularity and fame. Also, I wouldn't take "Jay Dyer" too seriously either if he's advocating for the use of supplements. The fact that he says he uses them must be a total lie, and if he's lying about that, then he also must be lying about a lot of other things.
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago Edited: 10 months ago, Odiseizam
That would be personal assumption whether he is lying but resting solely on prejudice I'll guess and not on particular argument!?, why he is advertising supplements, hm that was guess only viable way to fund his dedicated vlogging!, now think has other means like selling lectures or get funding from his 2nd half shows for members of his rokfin account ... anyway making argument from one video how ea-determinists are this or that nor from my side would be substantial nor from Yours as debunking of my proposition, thats why I am providing additional footnotes that if You had have time to check them would grasp that euroatlantic elites has particular agendas and neopagan ideal for reaching heaven on earth and superhumanity what would be utmost opposite to the Christian Ethos and the majority of citizens on west who are Christians!, and thats why we need clarification through dedicated expert debate coz nor I will nail "their" stamina in right way nor Jay will convince someone by one way communication on vlogs, but we need to see clash of academic thought through correctly moderated debate which if happens as active 24/7 eforum conversation among knowledgeable I really hope that ea-elites per'se will grasp that cant behave as "they" are now trying to impose wrong determinism by trickery towards own in epistemiological error ideals!, tho also many will wake up to the fact that are pulled for nose to work out for "their" wrong ideals due to wage slavery or brainwashed scientific mindset!, probably I would had have never throw such anamnesis but after got certain that neopaganism is main fuse in humanism and now science drown in its fallacies and exceptionalism so with clear conscious can even label the current basis and goals of the modern science is put in mould to chase "their" heaven'on'earth!

  • Kudos to JayD for his effort coz all I am implying he is exposing it factually as existing skim, still we need versed expert debate so these propositions would be fact checked by particular scientific method, when I am certain it would get even greater weight!

Now, if You have time to analyse what is the cause and roots of all scientific inertia on west You'll come easily to conclusion why "they" dont hide "their" ideals or how actually can manipulate our reality and not be opposed!, first of all neopaganism surfaced through vatican universities and then after consumed the european medieval elites while day after got compact and pushed overthrowing of Christianity where it could whether by force or subversion what culminated with the enlightenment era and standardization as of its theology [1][1] so as machine trying to stir by particular covert means particular neopagan goals [2][2][2] and seen as circumstantial causality its easy to be recognized how humanism became "their" tool for chasing those goals on scientific level and that to be projected as blueprint for indoctrination and following on all levels from philosophy till education [3][3] what maybe didnt reach effectiveness but shows that exist particular inertia and effort for reaching neopagan utopia since bacons'new'atlantis onward and what its just upgraded from century to century or in the past one from decade to decade in its repackaging!, check the BertrandR work or all 100+ important scientific books that project whats ahead of us [4][4]

  • ... he is hilarious indeed with his cheerful funkopop mask, making tho like that "their" perversions of elitism stupidity of neopagan exceptionalism!, practically the unesco agenda by itself its the last straw that gives highlight to the link between those transhumanist blueprints and the current geopolitical reality we live in [4] and at least we need to question "their" wrong fake and born in error utopianism!

Try dont be ignorant about JayD try listen his n'w'o vlogs while recreate eg. ping pong even virtual one [5][5] btw sorry for this last loosen digression but has point that one dont need to debate with twisted shots altho can point if not else defocusing like that, focus on the play of arguments it could be more fun and informative dialog as deconstruction of my main premise that hypocrisy is greatest "western" ea-determinists luxury exercised above the ruled that supposedly live happy and fulfilled mids "their" fallacy of democracy!
10 months ago
That would be personal assumption whether he is lying but resting solely on prejudice I'll guess and not on particular argument!?, why he is advertising supplements, hm that was guess only viable way to fund his dedicated vlogging!, now think has other means like selling lectures or get funding from his 2nd half shows for members of his rokfin account ... anyway making argument from one video how ea-determinists are this or that nor from my side would be substantial nor from Yours as debunking of my proposition, thats why I am providing additional footnotes that if You had have time to check them would grasp that euroatlantic elites has particular agendas and neopagan ideal for reaching heaven on earth and superhumanity what would be utmost opposite to the Christian Ethos and the majority of citizens on west who are Christians!

There are been opposition since the moment of its conception. These attacks against Christians is nothing new. Interestingly, it was the Jews that crucified Christ (or collectively the sin of man); a significant majority of the elite happen to be Jewish too -- coincidence?

On a side note, I don't mind content creators soliciting products, but I do have a problem with someone lying to me. We are talking about a learned individual that spends all his time studying matters. All of these supplements are produced in a lab, all of their components are artificial -- it literally falls in the foot steps of those whom you call the "elite". He is deliberately misleading those who watch him by saying so-and-so do such-and-such. He might have an excellent track record and an extensive library, but how virtuous is he?

I'm not saying what he's stating about what these elite have written is factually incorrect. No, but what I am proposing is that everyone, especially the rich want to be heard and be remembered / famous. Thus, going back to my original premise, why should any of this be taken seriously?
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago Edited: 10 months ago, Odiseizam
How we would know he lied that that supplement is boosting testosterone, yet again that was his choice how to fund his vlogging what think its not anymore case, surely such consumeristic spin would be mistake from ethical aspect in context of his apologetics if he wanted to leave spotless expertise, yet that suggests how its utmost painful to become active selfemployed vlogger nowadays Slight Smile

... still that should not be prejudice not to look up his reasoning, after all its word for modern alike radio shows that can be listened while at work or while relax with pong game in Your spare time ...eh  if only there were such interactive experts elaborating own knowledge and/or exploring fallacies in some scientific field!, if so probably many follower will raise their knowledge bar ...

About Jews, hm, my understanding is that they are hijacked and misused by "european neopagan elites" for "which" they are just cannon fodder when its needed!, even as medieval european bankers they were "their" stooges, and even nowadays that is case!, hm I'll say this kind of digressing will lead in chasing culprits for the farce of western democracies but that will not bring solutions how the same to reach its true modern meaning!

About Jay, hm I've used his example just coz he is fun for following coz his comedian alike style of vlogging, as more appealing vlog blueprint for the younger audience, the point tho is that we lack local or international expert debate by such knowledgeable people for what etool like eforum can bring prosperity for every society in every field!, simply now we have only cacaphony of opinions poured on soc.nets or agitproped through media, and thats really misfortune knowing in which century will live and what kind of means for communication we have!

Now, imagine full blown expert debates on at least ngo eforums, imagine thats happening here eg. on topic about viruses [1] but among the very proponents of that same theory and the mainstream experts!, so from such eTOS mood could benefit science to and not just societies that tilt around particular elitist agendas or communities around local sociopolitical issues!, yep it would be utmost useful future academicians to be stimulated on eforum debate if not else on their own universities, as I've proposed encouraged on that by norm for graduation pass, in which case they will expand their focus even on topics that are complementary but are not their main field of interest, and above all easing out the process of studying, just how many  Q&A threads burst on BiFo that could be further debated around the logic or the scientific method that lead to them yet what here is not case coz simply drop students for hit and run answers instead debate so would get deep understanding from particular problem solution topic!
10 months ago
we have had a far share of members that have been genuinely interested in the subject they were studying, but as you pointed out, the vast majority of them only seek to gain an answer, ask a question, and never to return. That's because schools force students to take courses these have no grounded interest in studying, known as general education classes. These courses range from psychology, sociology, or whatever you can think of packaged into a 3-month course/semester. Again, this goes back to what I was saying earlier, that in real-life, people are simply not interested in politics because they know change to the degree politicians describe is unattainable. Anyone who puts their faith in a political figure is bound for disappointment. Thus, whether you have an official platform where debate is central to its purpose, the hard part is getting people to tune in, read the details, and make an honest decision for themselves. Unless there is a popular candidate, no one really cares that much about politics, especially in developed countries where things practically run themselves
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
Again that would be subjective opinion until we dont see full blown eTOS vibe ... from experience I can lay firm claim that constructive eforum debate even among halfliterate like me can bring clarity on some issue, what about if in the same take part experts ... now, are people hungry for clarity think yes, but now they are getting it from soc.nets or media where mostly flows propaganda or triviality of expertise!, and if masses had have chance to get informed from expert eforum debate it will, especially if those eforums are thematic eg. local urbanism or local education or local syndicalism etc. etc. surely not all we follow such debate extensively but journalists will make such expert polishing of some topic more cleaner, in essence mids such debates should pop up extra ideas how particular community to cope with some problem maximizing its resources and will, what would be even more interesting is when expat experts will join their colleagues and share their new experience or unburdened from plutocratic blackmail will point why where the system policies got stuck in corruption nepotism laziness etc. anamnesis that will be never shared by the domestic experts ...

So Your argument address per'se masses as actively engaged on eforums while my take is we need per'se active expert eforum debate, altho it should be offered opportunity masses to participate along the same through parallel eforums attached to the expert one, what practically will calm whatever anger in debate mode eg. for important social issues, almost like intellectual exhaust valve that will stop wrong street steaming promptly!, and if like that are channelized all kinky social topics think it could be reached some kind of deelitazion of western societies coz elites would have huge headaches to control such narrative and spin it in plutocratic waters!

About students not having interest in their science, normally rookies would behave like that, but if graduates are stimulated on debate by their own universities if want to get diploma, then things will start to roll n right direction regard more deeper exploration and concise understanding of the studied science!, yeah its always easier to learn once You are unburdened from deadlines so in essence if such eforums existed maybe day after some graduate will come back to dive in some topic more dedicated than earlier ...

... On the hm side I'll say chasing full blown eTOS vibe could be wrongly stirred if a.i. is left to moderate such eforums thus first of all there should be particular ngo debate about the right way of arranging and maintaining such vibe!, for what probably it would be good academicians to start talking about coz after all it should be mechanism that will mobilize all available (and willing to help its society) intellectual power!, for what also good motivation could be certain subsidizing maybe in form of free internet or free public transport for those that will waste their spare time on ngo or institutional eforums etc. alike rewarding system at least so Young Academicians wood hook to the vibe ... btw dont underestimate the will of the people to be zoonpolitikon, normally that many are indifferent and many only from greed motivated to help out own communities, but also there are many that are willing to participate informally yet coz dont have such mean as eTOS vibe but must get in political party or movement thus refuse to get loud through blogs or vlogs hek there scarcity even from experts vlog/blogging, but if its introduced correctly managed debate realm I am certain many will find time to share their ideas positions and knowledge!, think even the system by itself is hungry for such data to, but the current plutocratic fears from opening are blocking such need!, altho it takes some showcase somewhere so things would start rolling!, and voila think nice intellectual avalanche will follow!. the question is are we have enough time before we are captured by ea-determinists technocracy when will be suspended the rights of freethinking of the citizens by the western neobolsheviks!?

The problem again is the closed system and the plutocratic misuse mids the same, yes there is some transparency, tho by constant expert eforum debate the same will push the transparent bar as wide as possible and as result execution of corruption less probable, at least will risk only those with criminal mindset instead like now whoever managed to grab office chair!, hm maybe I am too optimistic about the effects of such eTOS vibe, but if not else we would see who is worthy among the experts and how they are pulled by the plutocratic centrifuges once their colleagues will publicly start to tame their projects topic by topic 24/7, and defacto mids such circumstances selfcensuring and profesionalism will also rise on the part of the closed door experts, hm eventually they will drop on the ngo eforums to seek for opinions and advices if there are no institutional eforums!
10 months ago

blackrock, vangaurd, etc., owns pretty much everything.

so ya...
Odiseizam Author
10 months ago
Not fully nailed plutocratic exposure, LaryF is just spokesperson for his shareholders, so ask Yourself which banks own blackrock and vanguard, after that which boards are in which pocket among european nobility etc. etc. defragmentation till we come to the band of euroatlantic determinists!

Still this digression would be too offtopic if left unchecked in context of eTOS i.e. how differently to be reorganized antimonopoly game if its not constantly debate such possibility as workable regulations, the question would "they" seat with crossed hands if such vibe pops up, think not!, but thats why we need as wide as possible eTOS vibe so "they" would have issue with controlling of "their" narratives and skims i.e. every state should have various political ngo eforums and hopefully public open party eforums where members by the level of their expertise would polish effective solutions on every level for every issue ...

Yet without regular mandatory e-referendums citizens again will be peddled and driven, so ideally some centrist party should take the chance and by open public party eforum to invite all available experts to polish its party platform potentially like that forcing the rest of parties to get onboard to the eTOS vibe after what I am certain that Direct Participatory Democracy will get inertia, would it happens, hm, controlled chaos can surely postpone if not stop such momentum so ea-elites would reorganize and start thinking how to thrive mids such vibe or how to hijack it most easily!, eventually could release ordo'ab'chao scenario so would try to impose marshal law and instant technocracy how would stay in power as shadow elites, thats why Mankind should not waste time and where is possible to push for True Open Society what by all means should be case in the "western" realm yet every state could introduce such creative intellectual mobilization directed towards survival and prosperity of its system while in same time securing as much as possible equality and as less as possible elitism!
10 months ago
I just don't think transparency will stop these companies from spreading their tentacles everywhere. I mean, the playbooks are readily published and available everywhere, as you pointed out with those videos you shared. If you shed light on it, they'll just end up finding loop holes to continue their spread of power.
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