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rb40gte rb40gte
14 years ago
Can you please help me with this? bold for correct answer. Thank you guys so much!

1.   A consumer eating a producer represents?

a.   a transfer of chemical nutrients and energy.
b.   a transfer of chemical nutrients but not a transfer of energy.
c.    a transfer of energy but not a transfer of chemical nutrients.
d.   neither a transfer of chemical nutrients nor a transfer of energy.

2.   Light microscopes?

a.   can generally magnify objects about 10,000 times without blurring.
b.   can generally magnify objects about 10,000 times without blurring.
c.   work by reflecting electrons off the surface of an object being studied.
d.   use light and glass lenses to magnify an image.
e.   are generally not used to view bacteria.

3.   The National Institutes of Health (NIH) set up a study to determine whether large doses of vitamin C would shorten the length of time it takes to recover from a cold. Three thousand volunteers were split into two groups. For two weeks, members of Group A took 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily. Group B received 3,000 mg of a placebo. At the end of the two-week period, the researchers inserted live cold viruses directly into the noses of all the volunteers. The volunteers in both Group A and B continued to take their daily pills. All the volunteers got colds, and there was no significant difference in the length of time the colds lasted.

Which was the experimental group?
a.   Group A only
b.   Group B only
c.   all 3,000 volunteers
d.   half of Group A and half of group B
e.   the researchers that inserted the cold virus

4.   What is the atomic mass of an atom that has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons?

a.   6
b.   8
c.   12
d.   1
e.   18

5.   Ammonia (pH11.5), a component of many household cleaners, has a low H+concentration and therefore is a strong acid.

a.   True
b.   False

6.   A hydrogen atom has one electron. How many covalent bonds can hydrogen form?

a.   1
b.   2
c.   3
d.   4
e.   None

7.   You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look at them through a microscope and see cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude correctly that the cells

a.   are plant cells
b.   are animal cells
c.   are bacterial cells.
d.   could be either plant or bacterial cells.
e.   could be plant, animal, or bacterial cells.

8.   A covalent bond occurs when ________.

a.   protons are transferred from one atom to another   
b.   neutrons are shared between two atoms to form an isotope
c.   electrons are shared between two atoms to fill valence shells
d.   None of the choices are correct.

9.   Aquatic organisms are protected from freezing in northern climates because ________.

a.   water is more dense when solid
b.   water expands and is less dense when solid
c.   water cannot form a solid
d.   None of the choices are correct.

10.   Which functional group makes up the amino group of an amino acid?

a.   –OH
b.   –NH2
c.   –SH
d.   –R

11.   The park that you visit is home to a colony of ants, a couple of sparrows, a few lizards, millions of bacteria, and a wasps nest.  Together all the organisms represent

a.   a population   
b.   an ecosystem
c.   a biosphere
d.   a community
e.   a species

12.   Water is polar and can form hydrogen bonds because of ________.

a.   transfer of electrons
b.   unequal sharing of electrons   
c.   its ability to freeze
d.   its high surface tension bonds

13.   The role of a control in an experiment is to

a.   provide a basis of comparison to the experimental group.   
b.   prove that a hypothesis is correct.
c.   ensure repeatability.
d.   prove that a hypothesis is correct and ensure repeatability.
e.   counteract the negative effect of the experiment.

14.   A polypeptide forms a pleated sheet or a helix as its tertiary structure.

a.   True
b.   False

15.   In which of the following is the correct monomer matched with its polymer?

a.   fatty acid – DNA   
b.   monosaccharide – lipid
c.   glycerol – carbohydrate
d.   amino acid – protein

16.   Which statement is correct?

a.   Starch is a structural polysaccharide
b.   Chitin is a protein found in insects
c.   Glycogen is a storage polysaccharide
d.   Cellulose is a polysaccharide only found in animal cell
e.   Glucose is a storage polysaccharide

17.   Which of the following functional groups is hydrophobic?

a.   Hydroxyl group   
b.   Carboxyl group   
c.   Carbonyl group
d.   Amino group
e.   All of the groups are hydrophilic

18.   An experiment is designed to determine if a particular bacteria (SewerBac) is able to more efficiently break down the solid waste in sewage than chemical treatment.  Group A contains only 10 gallons of raw sewage.  Group B contains 10 gallons of raw sewage with 10 grams of chemical treatment.  Group C contains 10 gallons of raw sewage and 10 grams of SewerBac.    Hypothesis : SewerBac will more efficiently remove solid waste from raw sewage than chemical treatment. If the hypothesis were rejected, which of the following statements is correct?

a.   The data showed that more solid waste was present in Group B than Group C at the end of the trial.
b.   A theory would be accepted that chemical treatment is more favorable than SewerBac
c.   A theory would be accepted that SewerBac is more favorable than chemical treatment.
d.   The data showed that more solid waste was present in Group C than Group B at the end of the trial.

19.   Which atom would be most likely to form a covalent bond?

a.   Carbon
b.   Chlorine
c.    Sodium
d.   Calcium

20.   Insulin is a protein that is produced by pancreatic cells and secreted into the bloodstream. Which of the following options correctly lists the order of the structures through which insulin passes from its production to its exit from the cell?

a.   rough ER, transport vesicles, Golgi apparatus, transport vesicles, cell membrane
b.   rough ER, lysosomes, transport vesicles, cell membrane
c.   rough ER, Golgi apparatus, smooth ER, cell membrane
d.   rough ER, transport vesicles, cell membrane
e.   rough ER, transport vesicles, Golgi apparatus, vacuole, cell membrane

21.   Which of the following trace elements is commonly added to table salt to prevent the formation of goiters?

a.   Iodine
b.   Iron
c.   Calcium
d.   Magnesium
e.   Fluoride

22.   The shape of a protein is a critical factor in its function.

a.   True
b.   False

23.   Which organelle packages proteins in vesicles for transport to the Golgi.

a.   Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum   
b.   Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
c.   Ribosomes
d.   Lysosomes
e.   Vesicles

24.   Life is organized in a hierarchical fashion. Which of the following sequences correctly lists that hierarchy as it increases in complexity?

a.   ecosystem, population, organ system, cell, community, molecule, organ, organism, tissue
b.   cell, molecule, organ system, organ, population, tissue, organism, ecosystem, community
c.   organism, organ system, tissue, population, organ, community, cell, ecosystem, molecule
d.   molecule, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, population, community, ecosystem
e.   ecosystem, molecule, cell, tissue, organism, organ system, organ, community

25.   Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

a.   The domain Archae includes organisms which are prokaryotic and eukaryotic.
b.   The domains Bacteria and Archae are both made up of prokaryotic organisms.
c.   All organisms in the domain Eukarya have cells that contain nuclei.
d.   Organisms found in the domain Archae live in extreme environments.   

26.   ________________ is most likely to form an ionic bond with bromine?

a.   Lithium
b.   Carbon
c.   Chlorine
d.   Nitrogen

27.   Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?

a.   If an atom loses an electron it becomes an ion.
b.   An atom will gain or loose electrons in order to fill its valence shell.
c.   An atom will gain or loose protons in order to complete the octet rule.
d.   Substances that are attracted to water are hydrophilic.

28.   Which of the following statements about the properties of life is false?

a.   All organisms have a complex organization.
b.   All organisms have the ability to take in energy and use it.
c.   All organisms have the ability to respond to stimuli from the environment.
d.   All organisms have the ability to reproduce.
e.   All organisms consume other organisms as their energy source.

29.   Which of the following best describes the atomic number of an atom?

a.   the number of protons in the atom
b.   the number of electrons in the atom
c.   the number of neutrons in the atom
d.   the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in the atom
e.   the net electrical charge of the atom

30.   When a bird flies south for the winter, it is an example of ______________.

a.   Adaptation
b.   Reproduction
c.   energy processing
d.   responding to the environment

31.   Carbon has an atomic number of 6 and typically has a mass number of 12. Carbon with a mass number of 14 ________.

a.   as two additional electrons   
b.   has two additional protons
c.   has two additional protons   
d.   has two additional protons and is called an isotope

32.   Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

a.   Prokaryotic cells do not contain DNA or a nucleus
b.   Prokaryotic cells do not contain DNA or a nucleus
c.   Prokaryotic cells are smaller than eukaryotic cells
d.   The domain Archae include organisms that are composed of prokaryotic cells

33.   The domain Archae include organisms that are composed of prokaryotic cells
a.   the same atoms, but different arrangement and chemical properties.
b.   different atoms, but the same chemical properties.
c.   the same atoms and the same arrangement
d.   the same number of carbon atoms, but different numbers of oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

34.   Which atom would be most likely to form an ionic bond by becoming a positive ion?

a.   Neon
b.   Carbon
c.   Oxygen
d.   Chlorine
e.   Sodium

35.   Which of the following is not a structural carbohydrate?

a.   Glucose
b.    Chitin
c.   Cellulose
d.   both glucose and chitin

36.   You notice that over the past month, many students on campus have started wearing a new style of school sweatshirt. You think to yourself that perhaps the bookstore has recently started selling this new sweatshirt style. This prediction is an example of

a.   an experimental question.
b.   a type of observation.
c.   a hypothesis.
d.   an experiment.
e.   a type of control.

37.   A pH 5 solution is ____ and has a ____________ number of H+ ions present as compared to a pH 7 solution

a.   acidic/lower
b.   acidic/higher
c.   basic/lower
d.   basic/lower

38.   A hypothesis is

a.   the same as a theory.
b.   a tentative answer to some question.
c.   an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.
d.   a widely accepted idea about a phenomenon.
e.   a widely accepted theory that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.

39.   The four elements which make up the majority of the weight of the human body are?

a.   Carbon
b.   Oxygen
c.   Phosphorous
d.   Hydrogen
e.   Nitrogen
f.   Calcium
g.   Sulfur
h.   Sodium
i.   Magnesium
j.   Chlorine

40.   When a sodium atom transfers an electron to a chlorine atom ________.

a.   the sodium atom becomes a positively charged ion
b.   the positive and negative ions will attract each other, forming a crystal if no water is present
c.   the ions will separate in the presence of water
d.   All of the choices are correct.

41.   In a forest, rabbits, foxes, wolves, and all other living organisms would belong to which of the following levels of organization?

a.   Community
b.   Population
c.   Ecosystem
d.   Species

42.   Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding water?
a.   Hydrogen bonding allows ice to be heavier than liquid water
b.   Water’s temperature is easily increased
c.   Each water molecule can form 4 hydrogen bonds
d.   Substances that are attracted to water are hydrophobic

43.   What is the fundamental difference between covalent and ionic bonding?

a.   In a covalent bond, the partners have identical electronegativity; in an ionic bond, one of them is more electronegative.
b.   In a covalent bond, the partners share a pair of electrons; in an ionic bond, one partner accepts electrons from the other.
c.   In covalent bonding, both partners end up with filled outer electron shells; in ionic bonding, one partner does and the
d.   Covalent bonding involves only the outermost electron shell; ionic bonding also involves the next electron shell inside
e.   Covalent bonds form between atoms of the same element; ionic bonds form between atoms of different elements.

44.   Your instructor asks you to look into your microscope to see a prokaryotic cell. You will be looking for a cell that

a.   has a nucleus.
b.   has a membrane.
c.   makes up most of the tissues of your body.
d.   is much larger than most cells in your body.
e.   does not use DNA to code genetic information.
Read 15949 times
12 Replies

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14 years ago
1.   A consumer eating a producer represents?

a.   a transfer of chemical nutrients and energy.
b.   a transfer of chemical nutrients but not a transfer of energy.
c.    a transfer of energy but not a transfer of chemical nutrients.
d.   neither a transfer of chemical nutrients nor a transfer of energy.

2.   Light microscopes?

a.   can generally magnify objects about 10,000 times without blurring.
b.   can generally magnify objects about 10,000 times without blurring.
c.   work by reflecting electrons off the surface of an object being studied.
d.   use light and glass lenses to magnify an image.
e.   are generally not used to view bacteria.

3.   The National Institutes of Health (NIH) set up a study to determine whether large doses of vitamin C would shorten the length of time it takes to recover from a cold. Three thousand volunteers were split into two groups. For two weeks, members of Group A took 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily. Group B received 3,000 mg of a placebo. At the end of the two-week period, the researchers inserted live cold viruses directly into the noses of all the volunteers. The volunteers in both Group A and B continued to take their daily pills. All the volunteers got colds, and there was no significant difference in the length of time the colds lasted.

Which was the experimental group?
a.   Group A only
b.   Group B only
c.   all 3,000 volunteers
d.   half of Group A and half of group B
e.   the researchers that inserted the cold virus

4.   What is the atomic mass of an atom that has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons?

a.   6
b.   8
c.   12
d.   1
e.   18

5.   Ammonia (pH11.5), a component of many household cleaners, has a low H+concentration and therefore is a strong acid.

a.   True
b.   False

6.   A hydrogen atom has one electron. How many covalent bonds can hydrogen form?

a.   1
b.   2
c.   3
d.   4
e.   None

7.   You are told that the cells on a microscope slide are plant, animal, or bacterial. You look at them through a microscope and see cell walls and membrane-bound organelles. You conclude correctly that the cells

a.   are plant cells
b.   are animal cells
c.   are bacterial cells.
d.   could be either plant or bacterial cells.
e.   could be plant, animal, or bacterial cells.

8.   A covalent bond occurs when ________.

a.   protons are transferred from one atom to another   
b.   neutrons are shared between two atoms to form an isotope
c.   electrons are shared between two atoms to fill valence shells
d.   None of the choices are correct.

Here's a start!
rb40gte Author
14 years ago
Can anyone help me more on these questions? It is due today :\ .. 2 jobs really make this extremely difficult for me. I'm only behind on this quiz. I'll try to do the easy ones if i can find the answers...
14 years ago
I'll work on a few more for you.

34.   Which atom would be most likely to form an ionic bond by becoming a positive ion?

a.   Neon
b.   Carbon
c.   Oxygen
d.   Chlorine
e.   Sodium

35.   Which of the following is not a structural carbohydrate?

a.   Glucose
b.    Chitin
c.   Cellulose
d.   both glucose and chitin

36.   You notice that over the past month, many students on campus have started wearing a new style of school sweatshirt. You think to yourself that perhaps the bookstore has recently started selling this new sweatshirt style. This prediction is an example of

a.   an experimental question.
b.   a type of observation.
c.   a hypothesis.
d.   an experiment.
e.   a type of control.

37.   A pH 5 solution is ____ and has a ____________ number of H+ ions present as compared to a pH 7 solution

a.   acidic/lower
b.   acidic/higher
c.   basic/lower
d.   basic/lower

38.   A hypothesis is

a.   the same as a theory.
b.   a tentative answer to some question.
c.   an explanatory idea that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.
d.   a widely accepted idea about a phenomenon.
e.   a widely accepted theory that is broad in scope and supported by a large body of evidence.

39.   The four elements which make up the majority of the weight of the human body are?

a.   Carbon
b.   Oxygen
c.   Phosphorous
d.   Hydrogen
e.   Nitrogen
f.   Calcium
g.   Sulfur
h.   Sodium
i.   Magnesium
j.   Chlorine
rb40gte Author
14 years ago
what's for 34? you didn't bold it..
14 years ago
My apologies...

34.   Which atom would be most likely to form an ionic bond by becoming a positive ion?

a.   Neon
b.   Carbon
c.   Oxygen
d.   Chlorine
e.   Sodium
rb40gte Author
14 years ago
Thank you very much bio-man.
Valued Member
14 years ago
9.   Aquatic organisms are protected from freezing in northern climates because ________.

a.   water is more dense when solid
b.   water expands and is less dense when solid
c.   water cannot form a solid
d.   None of the choices are correct.

10.   Which functional group makes up the amino group of an amino acid?

a.   –OH
b.   –NH2
c.   –SH
d.   –R

11.   The park that you visit is home to a colony of ants, a couple of sparrows, a few lizards, millions of bacteria, and a wasps nest.  Together all the organisms represent

a.   a population   
b.   an ecosystem
c.   a biosphere
d.   a community
e.   a species

12.   Water is polar and can form hydrogen bonds because of ________.

a.   transfer of electrons
b.   unequal sharing of electrons   
c.   its ability to freeze
d.   its high surface tension bonds

13.   The role of a control in an experiment is to

a.   provide a basis of comparison to the experimental group. 
b.   prove that a hypothesis is correct.
c.   ensure repeatability.
d.   prove that a hypothesis is correct and ensure repeatability.
e.   counteract the negative effect of the experiment.

14.   A polypeptide forms a pleated sheet or a helix as its tertiary structure.

a.   True
b.   False

15.   In which of the following is the correct monomer matched with its polymer?

a.   fatty acid – DNA   
b.   monosaccharide – lipid
c.   glycerol – carbohydrate
d.   amino acid – protein

16.   Which statement is correct?

a.   Starch is a structural polysaccharide
b.   Chitin is a protein found in insects
c.   Glycogen is a storage polysaccharide
d.   Cellulose is a polysaccharide only found in animal cell
e.   Glucose is a storage polysaccharide

17.   Which of the following functional groups is hydrophobic?

a.   Hydroxyl group   
b.   Carboxyl group   
c.   Carbonyl group
d.   Amino group
e.   All of the groups are hydrophilic
rb40gte Author
14 years ago
can someone get 40-44?
Valued Member
14 years ago
40.   When a sodium atom transfers an electron to a chlorine atom ________.

a.   the sodium atom becomes a positively charged ion
b.   the positive and negative ions will attract each other, forming a crystal if no water is present
c.   the ions will separate in the presence of water
d.   All of the choices are correct.

41.   In a forest, rabbits, foxes, wolves, and all other living organisms would belong to which of the following levels of organization?

a.   Community
b.   Population
c.   Ecosystem
d.   Species

42.   Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding water?
a.   Hydrogen bonding allows ice to be heavier than liquid water
b.   Water’s temperature is easily increased
c.   Each water molecule can form 4 hydrogen bonds
d.   Substances that are attracted to water are hydrophobic

43.   What is the fundamental difference between covalent and ionic bonding?

a.   In a covalent bond, the partners have identical electronegativity; in an ionic bond, one of them is more electronegative.
b.   In a covalent bond, the partners share a pair of electrons; in an ionic bond, one partner accepts electrons from the other.
c.   In covalent bonding, both partners end up with filled outer electron shells; in ionic bonding, one partner does and the
d.   Covalent bonding involves only the outermost electron shell; ionic bonding also involves the next electron shell inside
e.   Covalent bonds form between atoms of the same element; ionic bonds form between atoms of different elements.

44.   Your instructor asks you to look into your microscope to see a prokaryotic cell. You will be looking for a cell that

a.   has a nucleus.
b.   has a membrane.
c.   makes up most of the tissues of your body.
d.   is much larger than most cells in your body.
e.   does not use DNA to code genetic information.
rb40gte Author
14 years ago
Thanks a lot guys.. all of you. THANK YOU! Slight Smile
14 years ago
you're welcome Wink Face
Valued Member
14 years ago
ur welcome
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