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jennie60 jennie60
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9 years ago
 Why is it important to communicate effectively with others? How will effective communication help students in their academic career? Provide examples. Why do you think GCU emphasizes quality discussion posts and proper etiquette in the Discussion Forums?
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9 years ago
Indubitably, it is of paramount importance to communicate effectively on all levels: political, business, and personal.  Otherwise, the results that are anticipated from the communication may not be produced. Miscommunication in wartime, of course, can have deadly effects.  It is a matter of history that untimely battles have been started because of poor communication. in personal relationships, the employment of certain words that, while having the literal meaning of what a person wishes to communicate, have at times connotations that convey negative meanings and motives which are undesired.

Effective communication is of great importance in the business world. Here is one point regarding communication at the workplace:

Successful management requires downward communication to subordinates, upward communication to superiors, and horizontal communication to peers in other divisions.

Businesses cannot run effectively without complete communication in different departments and among workers.

The writer Joseph Conrad described the human condition as one in which "meaning depends upon sharing." If people cannot communicate effectively, it is difficult, if not impossible, for them to share their intended meanings.  Effective communication, then, can end the alienation and aloneness that people often feel as they, finally, can share their thoughts and find others by whom they can measure the world.

Further, without effective communication, bright ideas die, for they depend upon a strong vocabulary to give them radiance.  If they are expressed in only mundane and pedestrian terms, many who might listen will not be attentive.  On the other hand, a great vocabulary and sentence structure give greater meaning to thoughts.  William Bernback wrote,

An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.
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9 years ago
Through effective communication, one can coherently explain their point of view or standing on a particular subject or issue.
9 years ago
Establishing and developing effective communication is important in order to be heard and change your environment according to your own thoughts. No one will guess what you want or what you think if you don’t tell them, and nothing is going to change if you do not propose a change. The purpose of this essay is to discuss four important skills that will help you communicate effectively. Such skills are not to be afraid of speaking, always defend what you want to say, express exactly what you mean to say, and listen while you are not speaking.
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9 years ago
Importance of Effective Communication in Schools

Schools are complex organizations that require coordination among teachers, staff and administrators. One of the quickest ways to breed frustration is to foster poor communication along any point of the equation. In particular, teachers who feel the administration fails to communicate clearly with them tend to be discontented, which can lead to poor teaching and student performance.

The Importance of an Effective Communication Strategy for a Project

When you are put in charge of a project at work you may be focused on the substantive content of what you have to achieve. However, you should not neglect the important aspects of communicating both what you are trying to do and the progress you are making. Both can help you tremendously in your eventual aims.
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