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Whelan Whelan
Posts: 3158
8 years ago
A particular 12V battery is based on a reaction having a standard cell potential, E° = +1.92 V. What happens when the battery "dies"?
A) E° = 12 V and E = 0 V
B) E° = 0 V and E = 12 V
C) E° = +1.92 V and E = 0 V
D) E° = +1.92 V and E = 12 V
Introductory Chemistry Essentials

Introductory Chemistry Essentials

Edition: 5th
Read 472 times
4 Replies
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Posts: 3075
8 years ago
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2 years ago
thank uou

2 years ago
thank uou
A year ago
The answer is: E0=+1.92 V and E=0V

The standard cell potential E0 is a constant value that is independent of the state of the battery and only depends on the standard free energy ΔG0 of the reaction in the battery, which is a constant value for a given cell reaction:

E0 = ΔG0/nF where n is the moles of electrons transferred per mole of reaction (a constant) and F is Faraday constant = +1.92 V (a constant).

The actual cell potential E changes with the state of the battery and equals to zero volts when the battery dies. E depends on the reaction quotient Q (and hence the reactant concentrations) and changes as the battery discharges according to the Nernst equation:

E = E0 - RT/nF ln Q where R is molar gas constant and T is temperature.
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