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colleen colleen
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Posts: 17077
11 years ago
Describe the presentence investigation process.  Who conducts the investigation and why is it done?  Who orders the investigation and what is done with the completed report.  Be specific in your answer using examples when necessary.
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11 years ago
The examination of a convicted off ender’s background prior to sentencing. Presentence examinations are generally conducted by probation or parole officers and are submitted to sentencing authorities.  The task of preparing presentence reports usually falls to a
probation or parole officer. Presentence reports take one of three forms: (1) a detailed written report on the defendant’s personal and criminal history, including an assessment of present conditions in the defendant’s life (often called the long form ); (2) an abbreviated written report summarizing the information most likely to be useful in a sentencing decision (the short form ); and (3) a verbal report to the court made by the investigating officer based on field notes but structured according to established categories. A presentence report is much like a résumé, except that it focuses on what might be regarded as negative as well as positive life experiences.
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