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julibyrd julibyrd
Posts: 155
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11 years ago
2.) What type of mutation occurred in the DNA when there is exchange of large segments of DNA between two different chromosomes. This can change the expression of genes located at or near the breakpoint?
point mutation>translocation
4.) The laws of heredity can be shown experimentally if a researcher mates purebred gray mice for several generations and keeps a record of the mutation rate to see if a mutation occurs:
mates purebred gray mice with albino mice and studies only the F1 generation.
mates purebred gray mice with albino mice and studies both the F1 and F2 generations.>mates albino mice for several generations and keeps a record of the mutation rate.
mates purebred gray mice with albino mice and studies only the F2 generation.

Questions 5-7 are based on the following paragraph: The height of a certain plant is influenced by three genes, each gene adds 5.0 cm to the plant's base height. The base height is 5.0 cm and the tallest plant may reach a height of 35.0 cm.
5. What type of inheritance is involved?
incomplete dominance
multiple alleles
segregation>polygenic inheritance
6.) The approximate height of F1 plants if a tall parent, CCDDEE, is crossed with a base height parent, ccddee, would be:
20.0 cm.
30.0 cm .
7.) The genotypes of the F1 offspring are:
8.) Both a male and a female mouse are carriers of a deadly recessive gene. What percent of their offspring would probably survive?>0 percent
100 percent
75 percent
50 percent
25 percent
9.) Although albino plants die before producing seeds, the trait for albinism does not disappear completely because:
darkness activates the gene for albinism.
epistasis influences gene expression.
homozygous normal plants exhibit the trait for albinism under certain environmental conditions.
many plants are heterozygous.>albinism is controlled by multiple alleles.
10.) Questions 10-12 describe certain experimental procedures and list experimental objectives. For each experimental procedure, select the letter of the statement that best describes the experimental objective. 10. Two long-winged fruit flies were mated and produced offspring that included 48 long-winged flies and 14 short-winged flies. The experimental procedure was performed to:
determine if long wings is sex-linked.>determine if short wings is dominant or recessive.
provide experimental support for Mendel's law of dominance.
initiate a population study .
study the relationship between ratios and sex of offspring.
11.) In 1934 T.S. Painter surgically removed the salivary glands of a fruit fly, crushed them, stained the glandular tissue with a dye, and made a wet mount of the stained tissues. After observation of the giant chromosomes with the high-power objective of a compound light microscope he proposed:
the presence genes at specific locus on chromosomes.>the existence of chromosomes as being the basis of heredity.
fusion of sister chromatids takes place during mitosis.
meiosis takes place only in sex cells.
the need for digestive enzymes produced by ribosomes of secretory cells.
12.) In corn, the gene R for red seed color is dominant over gene r for green seed color. Gene N for normal seed is dominant over gene n for abnormal seed. The results of crossing a heterozygous red seed color plant with normal seeds with a green seed color plant with abnormal seeds were: 98 red, normal; 51 red, abnormal; 104 green, abnormal; 46 green, normal. The corn plants were crossed to:
determine if linkage is involved.
determine parental genotypes .
study phenotypic ratios.>study crossover ratios .
perform a testcross.
13.) In humans, brown eyes are dominant over blue eyes. About 16 percent of a population has blue eyes. What percent of the population is heterozygous for brown eye color?
24 percent
40 percent>48 percent
60 percent
80 percent
14.) Each normal human possesses in his or her body cells
2 pairs of sex chromosomes and 46 pairs of autosomes.
2 pairs of sex chromosomes and 23 pairs of autosomes.
1 pair of sex chromosomes and 46 pairs of autosomes.
1 pair of sex chromosomes and 23 pairs of autosomes.>1 pair os sex chromosomes and 22 pairs of autosomes.
16.) Hemophilia is a X-linked recessive gene causing a blood disorder. What are the chances that the daughter of a normal man and a heterozygous woman will have hemophilia?
17.) A man who carries a harmful X-linked gene will pass the gene on to:>all of his daughters.
half of his daughters.
half of his sons.
all of his sons.
all of his children.

If you can check my answers that would be great. It would also be helpful if anyone has any websites that have information on these subjects.
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11 years ago
2. Pretty sure you got it right translocation
4. I would have chosen that also
5. yeah polygenic inheritance
6. Since it says it has a base height of 5 i might lean towards 20cm
7. Got the same answers
8. If theyre only carriers of a deadly recessive gene then 75% would survive cross Dd and Dd and you get DD, Dd, Dd, and dd
9.Im leaning more towards epistasis controlling gene expression
10. Im pretty sure thats right
11. I think its the presence of genes at specific locus on a chromosome
12 i think its to study phenotypic ratios
13 I would have also put 48%
14. thats right
16. It is actually 0% because in order for the daughter to have it the man would have to have hemophilia
17.yes all of his daughters
i dont have any websites just going from experience im pretty sure most are right, but i was a little unsure on a few
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