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Mateyman Mateyman
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3 years ago Edited: 3 years ago, Mateyman
I don't have the questions, I can't copy paste, I can only upload, hope its okay![

Answers okay?



The evolutionary major transition of eukaryotic cells from prokaryote ancestors did not involve the following event:

Aerobic bacteria ingested by anaerobic archaea.
Emergence of plesiomorphic synapomorphy.
Loss of genes and independent modes of livings.
Reconfiguration and reorganization of reproductive modes.
Merging of two independent lineages into a new single lineage.

What of the following are predictions of Lynn MarguliS Endosymbiotic Theory?

The DNA of the eukaryotic mitochondria would be found to be closely related to genes in archaea.
The DNA of the eukaryotic mitochondria would be found to be closely related to genes in proteobacteria.
The DNA of the eukaryotic mitochondria would be found to be closely related to genes in eukaryotic species (plants, animals, fungi, protists, etc.).
The DNA of the eukaryotic mitochondria would be found to have evolved to be more close to the DNA in the eukaryotic nucleus.
The DNA of the eukaryotic mitochondria would be found to be very primitive.
Which of the following events associated with the evolution of eukaryotic cells violates the simple vertical branching model of phylogenetics?

The transformation of the earth's atmosphere from having no to approximately 20% oxygen
The larger size of eukaryotic cells vs. prokaryotic
The transfer of genetic material across lineages not having ancestor-descendent relationships
The higher efficiency of aerobic respiration vs. anaerobic
The organization of the eukaryotic cell's DNA into a membrane-bound nucleus
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4 Replies
Mateyman Author
3 years ago
Pretty sure 1-5 all correct not sure about 6

The evolution of antibiotic resistance is

Could be

Option B: something unexpected that occurs due to random mutation and evolution not having a purpose, goal or being able to "look ahead"

Optionc C: the predictable and inevitable result of creating strong natural selection pressures that select bacterial strains that are resistant to antibiotics through widespread use of antibiotics
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3 years ago
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This verified answer contains over 310 words.

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3 years ago
Any word on these? Were any of them consistent with your answers?
Mateyman Author
3 years ago
They were correct thanks
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