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ssyc0101 ssyc0101
Posts: 13
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8 years ago
1. The most reported obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) patterns for children involved
A. hoarding objects.
B. checking doors.
C. language obsessions.
D. washing their hands

2. Which of the following regarding children with separation anxiety disorder (SAD) and school refusal is true?
A. 75% of those who refuse to attend school have SAD.
B. 33% of those who refuse to attend school have SAD.
C. 75% of those with SAD will have school refusal.
D. 33% of those with SAD will have school refusal.

3. Anxiety disorders share features of chronic worry and often involve all of the following, except
A. negative self-appraisals.
B. melancholia.
C. withdrawal, avoidance, or escape.
D. physiological arousal.

4. Cooper has always hated spiders. Last week, he was in the park when a spider fell out of a tree and
landed on his head. Now Cooper is afraid to go to the park. In this scenario, the park has become a/an
A. conditioned stimulus.
B. unconditioned stimulus.
C. unconditioned response.
D. conditioned response.

5. RCMAS, STAIC, and FSSC-R are all _______ in adolescents and children.
A. instruments for assessing anxiety disorders
B. tests to determine aggression levels
C. common emotional disorders
D. research organizations specializing

6. Wally, 10, has been sad and withdrawn ever since his family moved to a new neighborhood. He says he is dreading going to his new school in the fall. Wally's parents surprise him with a puppy, and while walking
the dog he meets a boy his age and makes friends. Soon Wally is his normal, happy self again. Wally was
most likely exhibiting
A. dysthymic disorder.
B. major depressive disorder.
C. adjustment disorder with depressed mood.
D. depressed syndrome.

7. Which of the following statements about the prevalence of obsessive compulsive disorder is true?
A. Onset for females tends to be earlier than for males.
B. 80% of adults with OCD report childhood onset.
C. Adults with OCD are predominately female.
D. Childhood onset of OCD is more common in males.

8. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is often referred to as _______ anxiety.
A. manifest
B. latent
C. free floating
D. avoidant

9. According to Wozniak and colleagues (2005) severe irritability should be recognized at three levels of severity. Which of the following is not one of the levels?
A. Silly, goofy, perseverative, and goal-directed behaviors
B. Mad, cranky mood occurring most of the day
C. Easily annoyed, loss of temper
D. Super angry, grouchy, cranky with violent outbursts

10. In children, depression symptoms related to weight include
A. weight fluctuation that doesn't correspond to appetite.
B. weight loss in excess of ten percent.
C. failure to meet anticipated weight/height ratios.
D. weight loss or gain in excess of ten percent.

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6 years ago
3. Anxiety disorders share features of chronic worry and often involve all of the following, except
A. negative self-appraisals.
B. melancholia.
C. withdrawal, avoidance, or escape.
D. physiological arousal.

I believe it's D.
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