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citylites citylites
Posts: 1030
8 years ago
A 15-year-old male has a large laceration on the inside of his upper arm from falling into a glass window. He is sitting on the front steps, and his sister is applying direct pressure to the wound. Direct pressure has failed to control the bleeding, and the patient is pale, sweaty, and anxious. Which of the following should you do immediately?
A) Apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask, apply a pressure dressing, and then splint the extremity. Add more dressings as needed.
B) Inspect the wound, apply a pressure dressing, apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask, and then have the patient lie down.
C) Have the patient lie down, secure a tourniquet between the wound and the patient's armpit, and then apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask.
D) Have the patient lie down, apply oxygen by nonrebreather mask, and then secure a tourniquet between his elbow and the wound.
EMR Complete: A Worktext

EMR Complete: A Worktext

Edition: 1st
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8 years ago
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8 years ago
Glad I found this forum, thank you
8 years ago
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