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juicylucy juicylucy
11 years ago
Are Muslim women allowed to wear it outside of school or is it banned outside of school?
And what is the current status of the France hijab ban??

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judynelson32 Author
11 years ago
As far as i heard all goverment facilities ! But privet schools maybe not because they are not for the goverment !
11 years ago
Just in the public schools.  It is not just the hijab, but also if a young woman would wear a designer foulard scarf in the manner of a hijab, it would be banned.

Also banned are any item of clothing or jewelry which is worn where it can be seen --  a Sikh would not be able to wear a turban or a kirpan, a Jewish person would not be able to wear a yarmulke, a Christian would not be able to wear a cross unless it was tucked under his or her blouse or shirt.

If a young person is attending a private school, it is up to that school to set its own dress code.  For instance, at a Catholic school, I am sure they would not care if a person wore a cross, and in a Muslim school, it would be okay for girls to wear a head scarf.
11 years ago
I heard about that on the news and i just want to say thats just insane.
11 years ago
It is banned in all Universitys and Government facilities in Turkey, 99.9% Muslim country.
11 years ago
France ban hijab in schools? Last I read the state schools were banning it and other religious articles. Private schools made their own rules. The Catholic school system was largest 'private' school system in France and a couple schools interviewed noted that they had about 1/3 of students were Muslim or other than Catholic, mostly female and were wearing scarves or similar- these schools were near Paris and Marseillaise(sic?).2007 articles.
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