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11 years ago
Im sure that if you keep accelerating an abject long enough it will eventually exceed 186282 miles per second. How could it not? It would take a funny car 125 days ( at around 5 Gs) to achieve light speed .How long would it take an ion propelled ship to reach this speed. I realize the acceleration of these engines is miniscule compared to chemical propellent engines..
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11 years ago
therotically nothing cango faster then light as travels in particles called photons which have extremely less mass and size but comparitively high energy so they move fast now u r saying to move a thing at that speed in space it would take forever to do so as even it does so not without tremendous energy to move things at high speeds in space is tough as they are constantly under influence  of other celestial objects in differsnt way and if photons are able to resist that then think how much energy is there and on a scale of what u r propelling how much energy it would take.anyway i`m no pro ask some proffesor to explain it .
11 years ago
Electrons and Photons are particles that are the fastest thing in our universe which go at the speed of light.
11 years ago
It is a very complicated subject

The speed of light is fixed, the amount of energy required to move mass to the speed of light increases to infinity as you almost get there, so mass can't ever quite get there.

Also as you travel faster time slows down relative to others. If you were able to ride on a photon the universe around you would stop moving and clocks would stop ticking.

Due to the expansion of the Universe distant galaxies will eventually move away from us faster than the speed of light, but this is due to the space between the galaxies expanding faster than light not the galaxy moving faster than light.

So if you want to appear to travel faster than light you will need to find a machine that expands space between you and the person watching you, this is the only way.
11 years ago
The universe is a singularity - an infinitesimally small dimensionless point. Within our singularity universe there are really only two things, static matter and continuously expanding time and space.

Also within the singularity is energy (E), which is the static matter (m) directly conflicting with the continuously expanding time and space (c) at the subatomic level and this interaction is expressed as E=mc^2.  It is nonsense to think that (m) can equal (c); they are not compatible!

Please read and understand the Lorentz Transform:

11 years ago
acceleration is equal to force / mass.

Strictly speaking, a vehicle provides the force. That force then results in an acceleration.  But the resulting acceleration is = F/M.  At speeds that approach a significant percentage of the speed of light, the mass of the object will actually increase. This increase in mass approaches infinity as the speed approaches C (the speed of light) .
The force does continue to increase the momentum of the object.  Momentum is equal to Velocity times Mass.  Therefore, as the speed of light is approached, this increase of momentum increasing shows up as a large increase in mass and an increasingly smaller amount of velocity gain.

These effects are not noticeable at the relatively slow speeds of funny cars, rifle bullets, missiles, etc.  They are observable in nuclear particle accelerators.

Therefore, an propulsion system that provides 5G of acceleration an moderate relative velocities,
cannot continue to result in 5G acceleration at relativistic speeds. The energy continues to go into increasing the momentum. But mostly in the form of mass increase.
11 years ago
We have found as early as the first cyclotrons that FROM OUR POINT OF VIEW,
we couldn't accelerate anything past the speed of light.
(The energy required kept increasing according to the predictions of Relativity.)
Due to time dilation, (speed is d/t remember), the object may 'think' it's going faster.
The Universe doesn't care what you think. It allows you your delusions, but at the price
of disagreement with other observers.
11 years ago
You are wrong, there is no way around the increase in mass of fast moving objects, there is simply not enough energy available to push any object to light speed. If you want to travel at the speed of light you must become light.
11 years ago
What you don't understand is the Theory of Relativity.  In Relativity, energy and mass is interchangeable.  We all know the famous equation, Energy = mass * (speed of light)^2.  However, this is only part of the story.  The equation for energy is actually a Taylor series with an infinite amount of terms:

E = mc^2 * [1 + (1/2)(v/c)^2 + (3/8)(v/c)^4 + (5/16)(v/c)^6+.....]

The first term is mc^2.  This is call the rest energy, ie the energy of a mass while it is at rest.  The 2nd term is 0.5*mass*(velocity)^2.  This is the normal kinetic energy.  The next terms have v^4/c^2, v^6/c^4...At normal speed, these terms are very small because c, the speed of light is so big.  However, if velocity (v) starts to be comparable to c, these terms become meaningful and the sum of the series becomes infinite.  So for any object with mass goes faster and faster, the energy it posses grows larger and larger.  So the faster an object goes, the more energy it takes to make it go faster.  If v=c, then every term in the series become relevant the the sum, ie energy required, goes to infinity.  That is why nothing with mass can go faster than the speed of light.
11 years ago
the "speed of light" is not a restriction or a limit.... Most people who are quoting Einstein conveniently forget the ^2 at the end of the equation.... Einstein said nothing can ACCELERATE at/faster that light speed... there is no way to "propel" your "accelerant" at that speed out the back of your rocket. But accelerating at a constant speed will quickly get you and your craft above 186,282 miles per second relative to SOMETHING else in the universe... especially if you consider that you can fly AGAINST the roataion of the galaxy AND the earths revolution AND rotation.

The ones who really get me laughing are the dreamers who go off on the tangent about how your ship gets more massive and so there not enough propellent to propel the infinitely massive ship.... like somehow its possible that the mass of the ship increased but the mass of the fuel stayed the same.... AN INFINITELY MASSIIVE SHIP CARRIES INFINITLY MASSIVE FUEL... better yet... lets use liguid fuel and just before igniting it we ACCELERATE it forward towrds the ignition ports of the engine... that way its "relative" mass is that much GREATER when it gets there, for being accelerated faster than the ship.

The speed of light is NOT a restriction.... acceleration at/faster than the speed of light is. Just accelerate at 186 miles per second... you'll reach the speed of light in 1000 seconds
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