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oemBiology oemBiology
Posts: 1249
7 years ago
When I feel stress and worry, my body seems burn up a lot of energy on nervous system, it makes my emotional unstable.  I would like to know on what kind of foods would refill any nutrients within body, so it would calm down my nervous system and make me feel more stable emotionally.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
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9 Replies

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7 years ago
Always eat healthy, do not resort to processed foods that contain loads of sugar. Everyone has a "comfort" food they resort to, mine are almonds. Almonds are very healthy, they contain protein, carbohydrates, and plenty of important oils
7 years ago
hot cocoa soothes the soul
7 years ago
Isn't this a subjective question?!
oemBiology Author
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, oem7110
Always eat healthy, do not resort to processed foods that contain loads of sugar. Everyone has a "comfort" food they resort to, mine are almonds. Almonds are very healthy, they contain protein, carbohydrates, and plenty of important oils

I try Jasmine tea and it works to tonify the spleen and calm me down.  I would like to know on how spleen effects on our emotion directly.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>


Foods to tonify the spleen

In Chinese medicine, the Spleen and stomach are responsible for receiving food and transforming it into Qi and blood that is passed around the body, nourishing every cell.

Overeating or undereating, eating erratically, consuming too many sweet foods, eating whilst stressed or while walking / working etc, can make it harder for the spleen to transform food properly. Overtime this can lead to Spleen Qi Deficiency. Symptoms of this are commonly referred to as IBS such as bloating, sluggishness, wind, diarrhoea and tiredness.

As the Spleen is unable to transform food efficiently, dampness is eventually produced within the body. In western medicine this may be identified as bad bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast infections, and/or parasites! Most people with spleen Qi deficiency will also have dampness.

With food not being transformed properly and an accumulation of damp, this can lead to problems such as allergies (especially food allergies), inflammation, high blood sugar (which can be a cause of acne), weight gain, eczema, and urinary tract infections.

Drinks: Green tea, raspberry leaf tea, jasmine tea, ginger tea
Post Merge: 7 years ago

hot cocoa soothes the soul

Do you have any suggestions on how to interpret "Cocoa stirs the lifegate fire - kidney yang" in Biology?
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>


Another problem food is chocolate. Chocolate is a combination of
oil, sugar, and cocoa. We have seen that both oil and sugar are
dampening and damaging to the spleen. Temporarily, the sugar
will boost the spleen qi, but ultimately it will result in "sugar
blues" or a hypoglycemic let down. Cocoa stirs the lifegate fire.
The lifegate fire is another name for kidney yang or kidney fire,
and kidney fire is the source of sexual energy and desire. It is said
that chocolate is the food of love, and from the Chinese medical
point of view, that is true. Since chocolate stimulates kidney fire
at the same time as it temporarily boosts the spleen, it does give
one rush of yang qi. In addition, this rush of yang qi does move
depression and stagnation, at least short-term.
So it makes sense
that some people with liver depression, spleen vacuity, and
kidney yang debility might crave chocolate."
7 years ago
I try Jasmine tea and it works to tonify the spleen and calm me down.  I would like to know on how spleen effects on our emotion directly.

None. The purpose of the spleen is similar to a lymph node, it regulates blood flow to the liver and sometimes stores blood cells. It has to do with the immune system.

The whole "tonify the spleen" is nonsense.
oemBiology Author
7 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, oem7110
immune system.

Referring to following description on function of spleen, is there any conflict to interpret the function of spleen in Biology?

Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much for any suggestions :>


The Spleens Functions in TCM
The Spleen is responsible for many functions, so that if you have symptoms in any of these areas, they point to a disharmony of the Spleen.

The Spleen Controls Blood
The Spleen is responsible for manufacturing the Blood and the Spleen Qi keeps it in the vessels. If Spleen Qi is weak, a person will bruise easily, and/or will have problems with bleeding.

The Spleen Controls The Muscles And The Four Limbs
The Spleen is responsible for circulating nutrients to the muscles and tissues. If the Spleen is weak, then the muscles and limbs are not nourished and become weak and tired.

The Spleen Is Responsible For Transformation & Transportation
The Spleen is responsible for the intake, processing and distribution of nutrients extracted from food and drink. The Spleen takes these nutrients and creates Qi and Blood, both vital substances for all the body’s functions and maintaining proper health. If transformation and transportation is functioning properly, the Qi is strong, digestion is smooth and the body is kept moist. When malfunctioning, the Qi is weak (lassitude and lethargy), the appetite is poor, digestion is sluggish and the stools are loose and watery.

The Spleen Opens Into The Mouth & Manifests On The Lips
Chewing is necessary for the functioning of the Spleen and if the Spleen is deficient, the sense of taste may be dulled. Red, moist and vibrant lips indicate a healthy Spleen. If the Spleen is deficient however, the lips will be pale from lack of nourishment.

Controls The Upright Qi
The Spleen is responsible for the body’s “holding” function. This is called the upright Qi. It is specifically the force that counteracts gravity when it comes to holding things, specifically the organs, in place. This is very important! Without healthy upright Qi, all of our organs would be at the bottom of our abdomen! When the Spleen is weak, we see prolapse of organs (uterus, bladder, stomach), prolapse of the vagina as well as things like hemorrhoids (prolapse of the anus, PLUS bleeding also attributed to the Spleen).

Houses Thought
Every organ in TCM is seen to have its own unique Spirit, and the Spirit of the Spleen is called the Yi. The Spleen is directly related to our capacity for thinking. How well we manage our thoughts, concentrate, exercise discernment and form intentions is dependent on the strength of the Spleen.

Worry – The Emotion of the Spleen
All organs in TCM also are associated with an emotion, and the emotion of the Spleen is worry. This works in two ways. Excessive worry will damage the Spleen Qi, and a deficient Spleen can weaken the mind and our capacity to think clearly and focus, leaving us susceptible to worry.
7 years ago
None of these are true. The spleen does no such thing other than acting as a filter for blood as part of the immune system. Read this segment found on Wikipedia Rightwards Arrow https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spleen#Function Beyond this, there's no reason to discuss other functions that are purely based on speculation rather than real scientific fact/evidence.
oemBiology Author
7 years ago
Thanks, to everyone very much for any suggestions :>
7 years ago
My pleasure. Feel free to open on the discussion if anything else comes up
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