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colleen colleen
Valued Member
Posts: 17077
11 years ago
The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance instructions to the parents of a newborn. Which of these instructions should the nurse give as strategies for illness/disease prevention?
1. Don’t allow visitors for the first month.
2. Smoke outside only.
3. Take the newborn to weekly child-stimulation classes.
4. SIDS risk-reduction measures.
Read 1034 times
2 Replies
Sunshine ☀ ☼
11 years ago
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1: Several disease-prevention strategies are used during anticipatory guidance for the parents of newborns. Not allowing visitors is unreasonable but screening for illness is appropriate. Smoking outside will not prevent disease. Attending weekly stimulation classes is not a disease prevention strategy. SIDS risk-reduction measures can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Rationale 2: Several disease-prevention strategies are used during anticipatory guidance for the parents of newborns. Not allowing visitors is unreasonable but screening for illness is appropriate. Smoking outside will not prevent disease. Attending weekly stimulation classes is not a disease prevention strategy. SIDS risk-reduction measures can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Rationale 3: Several disease-prevention strategies are used during anticipatory guidance for the parents of newborns. Not allowing visitors is unreasonable but screening for illness is appropriate. Smoking outside will not prevent disease. Attending weekly stimulation classes is not a disease prevention strategy. SIDS risk-reduction measures can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Rationale 4: Several disease-prevention strategies are used during anticipatory guidance for the parents of newborns. Not allowing visitors is unreasonable but screening for illness is appropriate. Smoking outside will not prevent disease. Attending weekly stimulation classes is not a disease prevention strategy. SIDS risk-reduction measures can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Answer accepted by topic starter
colleen Authorcolleen
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Posts: 17077
11 years ago
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Sunshine ☀ ☼

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