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7 years ago
Which of the following is an example of negative feedback?
A) During an infection, the body temperature set point is increased. The hypothalamus communicates to skeletal muscles to shiver and to blood vessels to decrease blood flow to the skin, causing a rise in body temperature.
B) Consumption of caffeine increases urine output, causing dehydration.
C) During a blood clot, platelets release ADP, which stimulates platelet aggregation, causing platelets to release more ADP.
D) If blood pressure increases above normal, baroreceptors in major arteries detect the change and send signals to the brain. Certain areas of the brain then send signals to the nerves that control the heart and blood vessels to make the heart beat slower and the blood vessels increase in diameter, which in turn reduce the blood pressure.
E) At the time of birth, uterine contractions push the baby toward the cervix. Receptors in the cervix detect the pressure caused by the baby and cause the release of a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone stimulates stronger uterine contractions, which push more on the baby, causing an increase in pressure and another increase in oxytocin. The cycle continues until the baby is delivered from the mother.
Principles of Human Physiology

Principles of Human Physiology

Edition: 5th
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