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jonnya26 jonnya26
Posts: 29
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11 years ago
1) What is biological or genetic determinism? How does this theory relate to DNA and genetics?

2) Do you agree with the tenets of biological determinism? Why or why not? Find a case or two to either substantiate or negate this theory depending upon your point of view. For example, a child who came from a good home and yet displayed psychopathic tendencies or biological twins reared apart who both displayed criminal tendencies.
Source  DNA in Criminal Justice
Read 1198 times
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11 years ago Edited: 11 years ago, spammonia
1) Biological or genetic determinism is when human beings are judged solely on their biological or genetic makeup. A good example is like saying somebody is a killer because they have a gene that codes for release of hormones in a certain amount that only serial killers possess, or saying somebody is gay because they have a gene that codes for their behavior. Basically, it is a system to figure out and predict the most likely target for a certain BEHAVIOR or person solely on their biological or genetic makeup.

2) To some extent this is true for disorders and cases like bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, but even those rely on external factors such as the environment one grows up in to fully form the disorder in a human being. This nature v. nurture argument can also be flawed, and if you were to look at identical twin studies (which are MEANT to test the theory that a person's genes define their life/destiny) you will see that one twin may be different in some cases, and in other cases the twins will share the same behaviors. Behaviors usually rely upon both genetic AND external factors such as the environment, and the only way to prove the gene for behavior correct is if EVERYONE acts the same when that gene is expressed.

This is something that could fall under the category of Eugenics, along the lines of Hitler and the supreme race, as well as the deep racism that existed within the US during the Civil Rights movement. Hitler said that the Aryan race was supreme, and he favored traits like blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. He wanted a nation of only Aryans, and therefore condoned genocide of all the non-Aryans in favor of his dream. In the concentration camps, supposed doctors performed experiments on the outcast gays, Jews, and nonwhite people trying to figure out why they weren't normal compared to the Aryan race. This was to prevent genocide of innocent Aryans. Also, people who were criminals, as well as political dissidents, freedom fighters, and protestors ALL were housed in the camps too. The "doctors" also experimented on these people and tried to find some sort of common trait within all of these groups to deem them unfit for life and basically justify killing them.

Another example of eugenics is book called The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein, which researched how black people are genetically meant to have lower IQs compared to white people.

The problem with this system is that it is flawed. It allows for no genetic variation. If you kill gays, Jews, political dissidents, etc. you will no longer have the traits for bravery or some other unique trait. The Earth would be filled with like-minded people with the same temperament and same behavior, and maybe there will be a point where somebody acting slightly different would be grounds to justify their death. Behavior is not something set in stone genetically, and requires many factors like environment and other influences to actually be called a behavior.

Now that you understand what exactly genetic determinism is and how it can be used for positive things (predict disorders of the mind and help treat them before they get out of control) and for negative things (instead of trying to fix "disorders" or accept differences amongst humans, try to wipe out the nonconformers/inferiors in the form of genocide), you can make your own decision on whether you agree or disagree with it. In the end, it's a question of whether people should be judged solely on their genes/biological makeup and what to do with them.
jonnya26 Author
11 years ago
Thanks spammonia....this was such a greaat help
11 years ago
You're welcome! Slight Smile
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