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limbicsys limbicsys
11 years ago
Compare and contrast (rather than simply describe the reception and processing of visual and auditory stimuli by the brain beginning with the organization and functioning of the receptor organs involved in these two functions and ending with the extraction of behaviorally relevant information from such stimuli in cortical areas of the brain. Huh?

Visual processing is retinotopic - the mapping of what the eyes see to the primary visual cortex preserves the spatial information. Aural processing is tonotopic - the way the cochlea breaks down response into frequency is preserved, so that high tones are dealt with at one end, low at the other.

So neurons are general components, and the processing in the brain physically preserves some of the felt structure of the stimulus, which is at least a start on explaining why similar components can generate different experiences.

Then each stream of sensory processing actually involves hierarchies of "processing modules". For vision, you have at least 30 doing things like representing motion, colour, etc. For hearing, there are far fewer. And so vision feels like a richer experience than hearing. There is more kinds of analysis going on.

Where do I go from here?? I'm lost.
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11 years ago
I don't know what you're asking here, Neutral Face, since you answered the question yourself, but if you try mapping the visual and auditory pathways out, you will see that they have some similarities and differences. First separately make pathways/diagrams/maps of the two and then compare them side by side. You'll see that they have similar processes and functions, but with different types of cells and organs carrying them out, along with some other major differences in the pathways.

1. Visual
-receptor organs= eyes
-light-->retinal ganglion cells-->lateral geniculate nucleus of thalamus-->primary visual cortex-->visual association areas (V3A-shapes, V5-movements, V2-extrastriate cortex,V3-dynamic shapes, V4-colors and shapes)-->temporal lobe or parietal lobe
-processing = retinotopic at primary visual cortex
-images on retina are maintained in the lateral geniculate nucleus and primary visual cortex=recognition and storage of familiar objects
-damage to lateral geniculate nucleus or primary visual cortex erases association of recognition to that object (like a man who doesn't recognize his wife visually)
   -perceive depth, colors, motion, recognition of familiar faces/objects,etc.
2. Auditory
-receptor organs= cochlea
-sound waves-->auditory canal-->eardrum--> waves transduced to vibrations-->malleus/incus/stapes bones-->cochlea-->vibrations transduced to electrical information when hair cells fire in the organ of Corti-->cochlear nuclei and inferior colliculus in brainstem-->medial geniculate nucleus of thalamus and primary auditory cortex
-processing= tonotopic at primary auditory cortex
-perceive location/distance, motion, frequency of sound, recognition of familiar sounds/voices

Some more help in the matter:
limbicsys Author
11 years ago
Okay, that is helpful. Here is a breakdown of what I need to address:

Compare the kind of stimulus the two systems use
Sense organs and general functions (mechanics for processing stimuli and how converted)
Compare transduction in both (receptor potential, and generator potential—give rise to AP)
Sensory field that gives input (visual field, auditory field)
Central sensory pathways and point at which they are sent into the CNS
Stages of pathways—crossed/uncrossed, where do they project, localization
Cortex and secondary areas
Opinion for differences (few sentences)

If you could help me sort these out, that would be the most helpful.
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