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Shiroח Shiroח
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7 years ago
Recall that Schooler and Engstler-Schooler (1990) conducted an experiment in which participants viewed a film of a bank robbery. Immediately after the film, some participants wrote a detailed description of the robber, whereas others completed an unrelated task. Those participants who wrote a detailed description were later less accurate in picking the robber out of a photo lineup. According to Schooler and Engstler-Schooler, why would participants who first provided a written description be less accurate in their later identifications?
a.   Putting a face into words interferes with the visual memory of the face.
b.   Writing a description is stressful, and stress interferes with memory.
c.   The longer the period between exposure and retrieval, the less accurate the memory.
d.   Using words increases confidence in eyewitnesses’ faulty storage.
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7 years ago
Smart ... Thanks!

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