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pepperflake pepperflake
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7 years ago
Compare and contrast the institutional and regulation schools of social responsibility.
The Legal Environment of Business

The Legal Environment of Business

Edition: 7th
Read 87 times
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7 years ago
Advocates of an institutional school of social responsibility for business argue that business entities have a responsibility to act in a manner that benefits all of society, just as churches, unions, courts, universities, and governments have. Whether it is a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation, a business is a legal entity in our society that must be held responsible for its activities. Proponents of this theory argue that the same civil and criminal sanctions should be applied to business activities that injure the social fabric of a society (e.g., the pollution of water and air) as are applied to acts of individuals and of other institutions. When managers fail to deal adequately with "externalities," they should be held accountable not only to their boards of directors, but also to government enforcement authorities and individual citizens as well.
A regulation school of social responsibility sees all business units as accountable to elected public officials. Proponents of this theory argue that, because business managers are responsible only to a board of directors that represents shareholders, the corporation cannot be trusted to act in a socially responsible manner. If society is to be protected from the unintended effects of profit-making business activities (e.g., pollution, sex discrimination in the workplace, and injuries to workers), it is necessary for government to be involved.
The degree of government involvement is much debated by advocates of this theory. Some argue in the extreme for a socialist state. Others argue for government representatives on boards of directors, and still others argue that government should set up standards of socially responsible conduct for each industry. The last group advocates an annual process of reporting conduct, both socially responsible and otherwise, similar to the independent financial audits now required by the SEC of all publicly registered firms. The growth of ethics offices within corporations has played a role in dealing with ethical and legal problems. Sometimes these offices are mandated by courts when sentencing takes place in white-collar criminal cases. Often corporations set up such offices as preventive measures.
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