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12 years ago
The balance of acid and base within the blood plays an important role in a number of bodily functions. How do changes in the pH of the blood affect bodily functions?
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12 years ago
Typically, blood remains within the pH range of 7.35 to 7.45. As the concentration of hydrogen ions moves outside of this normal range, they can affect amino acids, resulting in conformational changes of proteins that can affect their functions. At the same time, the activity of the nervous system is altered by pH. Acidosis can cause a decrease in the excitability of neurons; a severe acidosis can lead to confusion, coma, and even death. Alkalosis causes an increase in the excitability of neurons. This can lead to the generation of action potentials in sensory or motor neurons. A disturbance in acid-base balance can also lead to a potassium imbalance. Acidosis results in potassium retention, whereas alkalosis results in potassium depletion. These alterations in potassium are caused by electrochemical interactions and competition for carrier proteins. Acidosis can also lead to cardiac arrhythmias and vasodilation of blood vessels due to an impaired sympathetic activity.
- Master of Science in Biology
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