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colleen colleen
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Posts: 17077
11 years ago
A patient has a scald burn on the arm that is bright red, moist, and has several blisters. The nurse would classify this burn as which of the following?
Standard Text: Select all that apply.
1. a superficial partial-thickness burn
2. a thermal burn
3. a superficial burn
4. a deep partial-thickness burn
5. a full-thickness burn
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11 years ago
1,2 -- Superficial partial-thickness burn if often bright red, has a moist, glistening appearance and blister formation. Thermal burns result from exposure to dry or moist heat. A superficial burn is reddened with possible slight edema over the area. A deep partial-thickness burn often appears waxy and pale and may be moist or dry. A full-thickness burn may appear pale, waxy, yellow, brown, mottled, charred, or non-blanching red with a dry, leathery, firm wound surface.
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