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chuloso chuloso
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7 years ago
The nurse working in a Planned Parenthood clinic admits a woman who requests a pregnancy test. While waiting for the results, the client asks the nurse, "If I'm pregnant, the father could be either of two men I've been seeing. Can you tell me what day I got pregnant if you know how far along I am, so I can figure out who the father is?" The nurse's best response is:
1. "Women usually ovulate on the 11-14th day, with the first day of your period being day one. However, every woman is different, so there is no way to know what day you ovulated or became pregnant."
2. "Women usually ovulate on the 14-18th day, with the last day of your period being day one. However, every woman is different, so there is no way to know what day you ovulated or became pregnant"
3. "Women usually ovulate on the 14-18th day, with the first day of your period being day one. However, every woman is different, so there is no way to know what day you ovulated or became pregnant"
4. "Women usually ovulate on the 11-14th day, with the last day of your period being day one. However, every woman is different, so there is no way to know what day you ovulated or became pregnant"
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Posts: 541
7 years ago
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chuloso Author
6 years ago
Wow! Thanks for explanation it clearly
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