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jharris14 jharris14
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11 years ago
48.   Which of the following is true about speciation on island archipelagos?
A.   Speciation is slow because it depends on emigration from the mainland.
B.   Most speciation occurs allopatrically.
C.   Ecological competition may cause new species to go extinct slowing speciation.
D.   Speciation by polyploidy is most common.
E.   Species clusters are less common.

53.   Several new tetraploid species of plant known as the salsifies have arisen in western North America from diploid species by allopolyploidy. This mode of speciation is known as ________ and it occurs ________.
A.   allopatric speciation; almost instantaneously
B.   allopatric speciation; very slowly
C.   sympatric speciation; almost instantaneously
D.   sympatric speciation; very slowly
E.   adaptive radiation; very slowly
54.   Which of the following is not a reason that the Galapagos Islands and the Hawaiian Islands have so many endemic species of flies and birds?
A.   numerous islands in archipelago
B.   adequate distance between islands to allow divergence
C.   founder effect when islands are colonized
D.   character displacement
E.   numerous volcanic events

55.   Imagine two species of birds with similar beak sizes and diets. Where the two species are allopatric, we would expect that their beak sizes
A.   should not differ than when sympatric.
B.   should differ more than when sympatric.
C.   should differ less than when sympatric.
D.   should both be larger.
E.   should both be smaller.
56.   Two species of plant hybridize. Species A zygotes have 2n = 4 chromosomes. Species B zygotes have 2n = 6 chromosomes. If the hybrid zygote undergoes events so that allopolyploid speciation occurs, then zygotes of the new species would 2n = ________ chromosomes.
A.   4
B.   5
C.   6
D.   10
E.   20
57.   If two species are able to mate and produce an offspring which can mate with itself, but which is unable to mate with its parent's species then this can best be described as an example of
A.   allopatric speciation.
B.   sympatric speciation via disruptive selection.
C.   sympatric speciation via polyploidy.
D.   a species cluster.
E.   character displacement.
58.   If a new species is produced by the interbreeding of two members of distinct species, this would be __________ speciation achieved via __________.
A.   allopatric; autopolyploidy
B.   allopatric; allopolyploidy
C.   sympatric; autopolyploidy
D.   sympatric; allopolyploidy
E.   sympatric; divergence
59.   Which one of the following factors was not important in creating the adaptive radiation of Drosophila in the Hawaiian islands?
A.   The Hawaiian islands are an archipelago.
B.   New islands are constantly being formed.
C.   High rates of mutation due to radioactive materials in the lava flows.
D.   The existence of land islands called kipukas.
E.   The presence of unoccupied niches.
60.   Which one of the following statements about the diversity of Darwin's finches on the Galápagos Islands is false?
A.   All of the finches share a common ancestor that colonized the islands.
B.   Prior to the adaptive radiation of finches, there were many unoccupied habitats in the Galápagos Islands.
C.   The many islands in the Galápagos archipelago favored allopatric speciation.
D.   The adaptive radiation of Darwin's finches resulted from a key evolutionary innovation.
E.   There are several species clusters of finches.

61.   Which one of the following statements about the Lake Victoria cichlid fishes is false?
A.   The adaptive radiation of the estimated 300 species of cichlid fish was very rapid and took place during the last 200,000 years.
B.   The adaptive radiation of the Lake Victoria cichlids may have resulted from a key evolutionary innovation.
C.   Speciation of the Lake Victoria cichlids was mainly allopatric and resulted from varying lake levels.
D.   The diversity of the Lake Victoria cichlids continues today because the lake is devoid of predators.
E.   Many of the Lake Victoria cichlids have very specialized adaptations that allow them to occupy diverse habitats within the lake.
62.   Which one of the following statements about the adaptive radiation of New Zealand alpine buttercups is false?
A.   Allopatric speciation occurred mainly during periods of glacial recession.
B.   Divergence occurred mainly during periods of glacial advance.
C.   The availability of a variety of habitats favored diversification.
D.   Reproductive isolation was reinforced mainly during periods of glacial recession.
E.   Sympatric speciation is unimportant in explaining the adaptive radiation of New Zealand alpine buttercups.
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