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finleybrianna finleybrianna
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11 years ago Edited: 7 years ago, bio_man
How can just 4 different bases in DNA strands be responsible for the almost endless variety found in nature?

we are assuming that the hereditary information carried in genes and DNA is responsible for many differences observed in humans and other living things.
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11 years ago
Genes are made up of more than one base pair each - there's a whole "language" of how to translate the sequence of base pairs to proteins.

Analogously, everything inside your computer is made up of bits with just two possibles values (1 or 0), yet by stringing together sequences of them, it's possible to express words, music or instructions to the computer itself. It's all in what you do with it, not how it's written.
11 years ago
DNA is the most complex informational code ever seen in the universe. One microscopic cell's worth of information would fill over 4,000 books of 500 pages each. This information is used to construct the most complex things in the universe. A single cell is more complex than the most complex space shuttle in the world. Trillions of cells come together to form the most complex and amazing bodies or machines ever created. One bird has navigation that rivals a huge airplane with computers and even satellites. One honey bees brain is faster than a cray super computer. You eye takes in enough information every second to keep a super computer busy for 100 years.  

4 different bases can achieve all of this because the 4 bases combine in different ways to form information. Like the 26 letters of the alphabet can form hundreds of thousands of words, the bases on DNA inform machinery on how to build hundreds of thousands of different proteins using 20 different amino acids. This is a hugely complex system.

The bible says that the through God's creation, His invisable qualities are know, being understood by what is made so that men are without excuse. When men continue to deny God, He will turn them over to the lusts of their hearts and allow them to defile themselves and even kill each other.This is our free will choice to do, and we can do it. \
But, we still know the invisible qualities of God, like His Holy Nature.
We know this in a couple of ways but one way is through the creation.
We can see that this life had a creator. We can assume that the Creator is outside of, bigger than, and not affected by the creation. The Creator has a Holy Nature that sustains Him eternally. Sin is anything contrary to this Holy Nature. For example, God never lies to Himself. He never steals, He never murders unjustly, He never does anything contrary to His own nature. We all do these things. Because of this, God must Judge us and we will all be found guilty. We will all be separated from God. This is Hell and our due punishment for rebellion against the Holy Creator God of this universe.
God is Loving, Merciful, and full of Grace and has provided a way of redemption through Jesus Christ. God became flesh (this was all necassary and there is a lot to it, but I cannot explain here) and dwelt as a man here on earth. He lived a sinless life and was to become a sacrifice for our sins. Being perfect, God in the flesh was spit on, lied about, beated, and killed for the punishment for our sins. He did this out of Humbleness, and Love. Because He was perfect, His blood is very precious to God. This blood is the sacrifice for us and covers us and is applied to our account. Now, if we are covered by Christ, through faith, we have His righteousness covering us and when we stand infront of the creator at judgement time, He will not see our sinnfull lives but He will only see the precious blood of Jesus Christ and Jesus's righteousness covering us. We will be forgiven of all sins and be able to dwell with God for eternity.
I am thankfull that scientists were gifted with the intellegents to discover DNA and molecular biology and that God uses this for His Glory so that men can see that there was a creator to this life. That this life has a purpose and that its eternal purpose now resides in Christ Jesus.
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